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Monday, May 04, 2009

Dr. Rowen's Anti-Flu Recommendations

Dr Rowen’s Anti-Flu Recommendations

I have not seen any toxicity from these doses used as I have outlined. If you suspect you are exposed to the virus, take:
• Vitamin D3 — 50,000 IU for one week, then 2-3 times weekly for 4 weeks.
• Vitamin C — 1,000 mg three times daily (If loose stools occur, reduce dose.)
• Zinc Citrate — 50 mg (If you take this dose for more than three weeks, also take 2 mg of copper.)
• Iodide/Iodine (Iodoral) — 12.5 mg
• Selenium — 200 mcg
• Russian Choice Immune (2 twice daily)
• Colloidal Silver (Argentyn 23) — 1 teaspoonful, three times daily
• Probiotics
• Carnivora — 3 three times daily. (To order call 800-836-8735 or visit www.carnivora.com.)
If you do develop symptoms, add these to your regimen:
• Vitamin A (NOT beta carotene) — 100,000 units daily for up to one month. It is available at http://www.americanbiologics.com/americanbiologics_010.htm.
• Sambucol — one table every three hours (www.sambucolusa.com)
• Vitamin C — take up to 1 gram or to bowel tolerance every hour
• Miracle Mineral Supplement — up to eight drops, three times daily. (To order visit www.mmsmiracle.com. You can read more about it in the January 2009 issue of Second Opinion).

If you have significant symptoms, consider oxidation therapy (ozone, hydrogen peroxide, or ultraviolet blood irradiation) from an oxidation provider. I've seen it get rid of influenza very quickly, including my own case. I generally recommend it with the first symptoms of a flu infection, not waiting until it's severe. Intravenous vitamin C (25-50 grams over a few hours) can also remedy symptoms quickly.

With this defense kit, you can fight the swine flu — or any flu — easily and without major doctors' bills. So don't panic — but do take action today to protect yourself.
If you'd like more information on how to beat the flu — or any other viral or bacterial infection, I've got a lot more on my website. In fact, I've written a special report on how you can protect yourself. Just follow this link to learn how to get this report for free.
Yours for better health and medical freedom,

Robert Jay Rowen, MD
Ref: Neurology, 2008 June 14.

Additional data about virus protection:


Why Mammals are Different from Reptiles and Birds

What causes the RNA copy to completely release the newly made copy, and unzip the new DNA virus from the RNA master copy is something at the end of the molecule chain, called a TELOMERE. When the DNA copy is complete, the electrical charge on the RNA Telomere changes, like flipping an electrical switch, and it then releases and repels the new DNA copy by electrical forces. But the RNA Telomere is temperature sensitive, it won't release a new copy if it is too warm.
If the temperature of the Telomere on the end of the RNA chain is too hot -- meaning above 102 degrees F, then the Telomere cannot unzip and release the new DNA copy. The RNA and the new DNA viral copy are electrically bonded together -- and they are stuck -- they can't unzip and separate. Thus, the original viral DNA cannot replicate even one copy of itself using the RNA if you have a fever of about 101 to 102 degrees. That is why humans and all warm-blooded mammals on earth produce a fever when infected with a virus, since it prevents the original viral DNA from replicating any copies of itself at all. Thus -- the end of the line for the original virus and any viral replication. That is also why most viruses on earth come from birds and reptiles, since they cannot raise their body temperature to cause a fever, and the viruses can run rampant among those animals. Sometimes a viral infections can wipe out and cause complete extinctions among reptiles, amphibians and birds. This is rare among warm-blooded mammals which can create fevers when infected with viruses.

That's also why we have fevers. And that is why reducing the fever with Nyquil, or Aspirin or other cold and flu medications can kill you when the Viral RNA is allowed to unzip millions of copies of the original single Viral DNA molecule. Each new copy of the original viral DNA can then repeat the process and quickly produce billions of copies of itself in an hour or so, and start infecting more and more of your cells, until it kills you. But the high temperature or a fever will stop the viral replication process instantly.

www.brojon.org/ frontpage/ the_tamiflu_ myth.html

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