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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Food Irradiation Starting...NOW

Starting today, your fresh vegetables may now be irradiated without your knowledge. The FDA has unleashed a new rule allowing food companies to secretly irradiate lettuce and spinach, and there is NO requirement that these foods be labeled with a warning label! The FDA is also looking to expand this to other vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers and onions. Soon, ALL vegetables may be irradiated.

Why does this matter? Because irradiation destroys phytonutrients, including anti-cancer nutrients that are protecting your health right now. With this rule, the FDA is literally killing the food supply!

Today's feature story reveals full details about this crime against nature and the FDA's desperate measures to destroy the national food supply and sicken Americans. Read it here:

I've also posted a commercial-free podcast about this evil FDA plot. Listen to that here: http://www.naturalnews.com/Index-Podcasts.html#61

This is a crucial issue for the survival of America. No nation can survive the destruction of its food supply. The FDA is determined to do what all the terrorists in the world could not: Use weapons of mass destruction against the food.

Also today:

* U.S. surgeon murders patient to harvest organs

* Acupuncture boosts fertility

* Interview with David Wolfe on chocolate

* New research on chocolate's health benefits

* EPA conspiracy with the chemical industry

... and more! It's all right here (click any story to read it now):

Health: FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and Other Vegetables
(NaturalNews) The FDA has announced that beginning today, spinach and lettuce sold across the United States may now be secretly irradiated before it reaches grocery store shelves. What's "secret" about it? The FDA previously decided that irradiation warning...

Health: U.S. Surgeon Murders Patient to Harvest Organs for Waiting Recipient
(NaturalNews) A surgeon stands charged with three felonies for allegedly hastening the death of a patient in order to harvest his organs for donation. Dr. Hootan C. Roozrokh has been charged with dependent adult abuse, mingling a harmful substance...

Health: The Medicinal Building Blocks of Plant Life
While most have heard of vitamins and minerals, there are 14 other categories of active plant components and they also offer medicinal benefits. Becoming familiar with all of these elements is essential for understanding their benefits and...

Health: Acupuncture Boosts Fertility by 65 Percent in Women
(NauralNews) The use of acupuncture raises the odds of a successful in vitro fertilization by 65 percent, according to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Maryland Medical School and published in the British Medical Journal...

Health: Studies Prove That Chocolate Is Really Good for You
Chocolate lovers, take heart. Reports from recent studies have given you plenty of reasons to keep on eating chocolate without feeling guilty. In fact, the news from several studies released this spring shows that chocolate is quite effective...

Health: Antibiotics Useless for Sinus Infections, but Doctors Keep Prescribing them Anyway
(NaturalNews) Although many health researchers and professionals have recommended that doctors stop prescribing antibiotics for sinus infections, the practice is still widespread. A new study, conducted by Swiss researchers and published in the
Health: Nutritional Authority David Wolfe Discusses Metabolism and Chocolate
This interview is an excerpt from Kevin Gianni's Fountain of Youth Summit, which can be found at (http://fountainofyouthworldsummit.com) . In this excerpt, David Wolfe shares on foods that speed up metabolism and the truth about chocolate...

Health: EPA, American Chemistry Council Conspire to Remove Toxicologist From Panel on Flame Retardant Safety
(NaturalNews) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) dismissed an award-winning neurotoxin specialist from a toxicology review panel in August, in compliance with a request from the industry lobby group the American Chemical Council. Deborah Rice...

Health: Sleep Better by Turning Off Electronic Accessories
Nowadays most people sleep in a room that is lit up like a Christmas tree. The alarm clock shows the time in bright red. The cell phone is charging. The Computer is still running. The DVD clock is flickering 12:00. The answering machine...

Health: Slaughterhouse Workers Suffer Neurological Destruction From Inhaling Pig Brain Particles
(NaturalNews) Health researchers believe that a mystery disease that has been afflicting employees at a pig slaughterhouse in Minnesota is caused by the inhalation of microscopic pig brain particles. The health condition known as "progressive inflammatory...

Health: The Recent Limited Recall of Pedigree Dog Food
Mars Petcare issued a limited recall of Pedigree dog food. The recall is limited to Southern California and Las Vegas, NV. A "component" of the food that tested positive for Salmonella contamination "was inadvertently shipped to our Tracy...

Health: Taking Probiotics Greatly Reduces Infections in Athletes
(NaturalNews) Athletes who took probiotic supplements suffered fewer infections and recovered more quickly than those who did not, in a study conducted by the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra and published in the British Journal of Sports...

Health: Diet Rich in Plant-foods Aids in Preserves Muscle Mass in Older Adults
The strength that sometimes leaves many older adults could be maintained and restored by consuming raw vegetables and fruit, a study, published in the March issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, has suggested. In a society...


- Mike Adams

The Health Ranger

Editor, NaturalNews.com

Saturday, August 23, 2008


New movie to watch...


Nothing we don't know but another reminder of the truth behind the facade.

It is just a matter of when will the debt be called.

When that happens expect change.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Miracle Mineral MMS

If you know someone with a serious disease you might want to look at this site.

It could save their lives.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Silver, Gold, and, The Current Mystery Selloff

Don Harrold's view on the prices of gold dropping while the supply is contstricted.

When the market moves in ways completely out of the sync with normal economic realities something is always up.

My guess is something fishy is going on.

When the price is driven down you can bet some big players are going to sweep in and pick up the 'bargains'. The watch as something unfolds (like a war with Russia or Iran or both?) and watch that gold and silver hit the roof again.

As Don says, it is time to by gold and silver.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Thousands Contracted HIV Using Tainted Bayer Drug

This is last year's news but still thought you would find this short news clip interesting as it ties into what the Natural Solutions Foundation is saying about a possible epidemic being triggered for profit and a little reduction of the population while we are at it!


What amazes me is that these companies get away with this stuff.

Weaponized Avian Flu: Current Intelligence Estimate

Our current best Intelligence Estimate regarding the potential weaponized avian flu pandemic.


Listen to this first:

Dr. Laibow’s Preparedness Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r-njxcVt5U

Natural Solutions Foundation brings you on-going updates of breaking news and background information on the pandemic avian flu which, we believe, is being carefully engineered for possible introduction in the US (and perhaps elsewhere). Here is the latest information:

August 13, 2008
Newly “discovered” strains of the H5N1 Avian Flu virus are found in Nigeria. There is no way that bird migration could account for the appearance of a strain of the virus found in Iraq, Afghanistan and Italy in the absence of this year’s migration.

Garba Sharabutu, professor of veterinary medicine and president of the Nigerian Veterinary Association, disputes claims that the virus is a new strain or that it is highly pathogenic.

Transmission of the disputed “new strain” of Avian Flu in Nigeria to a human worker who developed a fever did not occur despite fears that the strain could cause humans to get sick.

The new African strain is not H5N1 at all, but H9N2, according to Public Library of Science Journal, PLOS One. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are hundreds of strains of avian influenza viruses, four of which (H5N1, H7N3, H7N7 and H9N2), however, can be transmitted to humans.

13 Indonesians with respiratory problems, fever and a history of contact with chickens tested negative for Avian Flu. “Health officials announced on Sunday that the 13 people from a village in North Sumatra province, Sumatra, who were hospitalized with complaints of fever and respiratory problems have tested negative for bird flu virus.

Nyoman Kandun, the health ministry’s director-general of communicable disease control, said, “Test results were negative for all suspected cases.”

“Highly pathogenic” H7 Bird Flu strain found in Oxfordshire, England, June, 2008. Strain said to pose “no threat to [human] health.

1918 Influenza Pandemic
“The effect of the influenza epidemic was so severe that the average life span in the US was depressed by 10 years. The influenza virus had a profound virulence, with a mortality rate at 2.5% compared to the previous influenza epidemics, which were less than 0.1%. The death rate for 15 to 34-year-olds of influenza and pneumonia were 20 times higher in 1918 than in previous years (Taubenberger). People were struck with illness on the street and died rapid deaths. One anectode shared of 1918 was of four women playing bridge together late into the night. Overnight, three of the women died from influenza (Hoagg). Others told stories of people on their way to work suddenly developing the flu and dying within hours (Henig). One physician writes that patients with seemingly ordinary influenza would rapidly “develop the most viscous type of pneumonia that has ever been seen”

1. Weaponized Flu Summary
2. Current Intelligence Estimate
3. Third Party Substantiation Links

Some concerned individuals have been asking for a Weaponized Avian Flu Summary, so we’ve updated the original posting at: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=742

This now includes:

Weaponized Avian Flu Summary

A copy of Dr. Laibow’s original eAlert of July 19, 2008 - Updates are at the bottom of that posting

Update #1 - July 22, 2008: What a Response!

Update #2 - July 23, 2008: Your Coffins, from Uncle Sam…
More dots: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?p=747

Update #3 - Model State Emergency Powers Act

Update #4 - Additional Blog Postings - Press Release Refused Distribution! and more…

Update #5 - Preparedness for Pandemic

Current Intelligence Estimate

1. We have been examining the historical record for latency and infectious periods (for example, for the 1918 pandemic and for the unweaponized Avian Flu). The latency period could be up to 2 weeks.

2. Our current best estimate is that people could start to notice symptoms as soon as a week after disbursal of the pathogen; the disease will, if especially virulent, cause death within 72 hours of first symptoms. The current unweaponized flu is deadly to 2/3 of those who catch it.

3. For example, if the pathogen were released, say, at the end of the Olympics, on August 23rd or 24th, people would start to notice symptoms by the end of the Labor Day Holiday (US Labor Day is September 1st this year).

4. By the time most US college students are back in school, say, September 5th, the media would begin to notice and the public authorities would be empowered to act, we suspect, within 72 hours of mass media notice (we believe the alternative media might “get wind” of the impending pandemic a day or a half day earlier).

5. That brings us to September 8th. We can expect national “lock down” and Martial Law within a couple days, as people panic to obtain food and protection. Places of public accommodation closed. End of Internet communications; possibly of telephone as well.

We note that the “Pandemic Avian Flu Vaccine” is scheduled to be delivered to the United States from the Chinese pharmaceutical plant where it is being made during August. The government issued its “Vaccine” allocation plan about a week ago.

People have also asked for links to original information from which we’ve extracted the “dots” that lead to the the Intelligence Estimate we developed suggesting the flu pandemic could occur as early as September, 2008.

Substantiation Links

Here are some outside links that give rise to some of the elements of this Intelligence Estimate:

“Pandemic Flu Vaccine” allocation:

NorthCom site: www.northcom.mil

NIH Avian Flu “trials” -

Drug Co - US contract -

Illegal “Pandemic Flu Vaccine” test:

Coffins: http://www.prisonplanet.com/half-a-million-plastic-coffins.html

House Of Lords Warning:

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Natural Solutions TV

Natural Solutions TV...

You won't find this information on mainstream TV.


Spend 40 hours a week watching THIS form of TV and you get a chance to explore a different perspective beyone the 'programming' of mainstream TV. After all, why do you think they call it 'programming'!

Health Freedoms Newsletter...

I just received this from Dr. Rima. She is a real crusader in the fight for health freedoms in the world. What she uncovers is quite worth looking at as it impacts all of us. We are talking about OUR food supply and our access to natural supplements and natural food. Now, Dr. Rima is telling us that the rules on organics are getting lax and what we may think is organic may not be so organic after all.

This along with her research on CODEX Alimentarius, Biotech, and Big Pharma provides a perspective you will not hear in the mainstream media. For another view on reality view some of the information below.

Dr Rima's latest newsletter...subscribe if you want to keep in the loop. It could save your life.



Index of this Issue:
The Doldrums of Summer... Codex redux
Weaponized Pandemic Potential: Current Intelligence Estimate
Our New Media.tv Channel
Big Biotech Loves Codex!
Organics Not Really Organic
HIV Deception?
Just say NO! Vaccination & GMO Blues

The Summer Doldrums

It's August, the Economy's bad and you've got crisis fatigue. Does that mean you are willing to give up your freedoms - permanently?

Here is what a foreign correspondent had to say about the state of awareness in the world - among high level officials. This from Singapore, a country which imports all of its food and thus is totally vulnerable to Codex and its depredations:

"Mum just flew back [from Singapore] yesterday.
She spoke to our FTC [Federal Trade Commission] cousin about the food rules.
Cousin had not heard of Codex ??!!
I do recall Natural Solutions Foundation's efforts having to educate US Congress people, so it should not be that surprising.

My cousin looks really unhealthy...

You know better than to think that the work of health freedom stops when others are on vacation. It does not. But our donations (the only source of income we have) have dropped to less than half our usual daily average which is half of what we need to run in the black. Please - even though it's play time, remember the work of keeping freedom free and make sure we can keep doing it.

You can make your tax deductible donation here: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189

Remember: recurring donations, whether small or large, our vitally important to us: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189

And don't forget dissemination: There are lots of ways to disseminate information.

Emails to your circle of influence, for example, are excellent. We just got a letter from someone asking for permission to disseminate to his list of 120,000 people. I hereby give full and enthusiastic permission for all of you to disseminate our emails IF you give our home page link, www.HealthFreedomUSA.org and encourage your recipients to sign up for our Health Freedom eAlerts for themselves (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=187)

Another way is blogging. I just got a letter from someone asking if they could summarize my latest Avian Flu video for their readers. Of course, under the same provisions.

Pandemic News You Need:
Current Intelligence Estimate

If you are a regular reader of these Health Freedom eAlerts, you know that we've raised the frightening spectre of the potential for a catastrophic Avian Flu event as early as mid September 2008. We have posted a Current Intelligence Estimate web page for you to keep up on developments. We continue to receive information from our contacts in cyber space and will continue to report to you as much as we can.
Current Intelligence Estimate: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=755

This vitally important summary could literally save your life. The news you are not getting from the mainstream media is at: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=755. We will update this page regularly so book mark it and make sure that you check back regularly. we will keep you informed as this deadly social manipulation develops.

We are the New Media

Natural Solutions Foundation is delighted to announce a new feature on the Health Freedom USA website: our New media channel: http://www.naturalsolutionsmedia.tv/

We're posting all of our YouTube and other videos there. Please bookmark this page and let your friends know about it.

Press release: Biotech Congratulates Codex:


Lest anyone think that the Natural Solutions Foundation's analysis of Codex being run for the benefit of the Big Pharma, Big Chema, Big Biotechna, Big Agribiz and Big Medical, check out this blatant demonstration of arrogant pride.

A recent press release notes:

"The Biotechnology Industry Organization congratulates the Codex Alimentarius Commission for approving key guidelines to further promote the [sic] safety of products from agricultural plant and animal biotechnology. The Codex Commission ... approved ... the Annex on Food Safety Assessment in Situations of Low-Level Presence of Recombinant-DNA Plant Material in Food ..."

Yes, that's right, Big Biotech loves Codex, especially when it approves degrading the food supply with the "low-level" presence of GMO ingredients! Are you surprised? We're not!

"They" are always at it, and often do their dastardly deeds in the summer when people may be looking elsewhere.

That's why we can't stop either. And to keep at it, we need your financial support. Please include Natural Solutions in your vacation spending...

Please donate here:


Organics not really organic

Some have called us "sensationalist" for our willingness to call your attention to some of the outrageous possibilities that face our health and freedom. There's one area, though, where we haven't been extreme enough. That's in the accelerating degredation of organic standards. So take a look at this information which documents that organic standards have become so weak that the inforcement is left to the producers with no oversight whatsoever. The result? At least half of all organic products are no such thing, with potentially dangerous or even deadly consequences. To make matters worse, the US allows 10% contamination of organic food with gentically modified product.

That's right - 10%. The rest of the world allows either 0.9% or 1.0%. We allow 10 times that much AND there is no inspection or labeling for any of it.

We have been advising you to eat organic. Now we are advising you to learn first hand about the source of your food. Call or visit the farmers who grow your food. Ask questions. Call the store you buy your organic products from or call the manufacturers and ask to see the third party evaluations and anlaysis of your products for pesticides, herbicides, GM and other contaminents. Even if you do not understand the reports, asking for them will alert the companies that this is important to consumers. If you have an interesting story to tell about these requests, let us know at dr.Laibow@gmail.com!


HIV Deception?

What if there is no such thing as the HIV Virus? What if doctors and scientists are the most easily misled and duped people in the entire system of deceit? And what if there is no virus and someone wants you to believe that there si? Who? Why? The Natural Solutions Foundation believes that this the case and we will be providing you with the documentation that has led us to that conclusion. But let's start a basic question: How could doctors have been so badly misled and make such a terrible error? Here is one man's brilliant and, I believe, correct answer to that question: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=760

Routine Screening for HIV Recommended
for All Women 16-45

Now consider the following article in the light of current policies of forcing people who "test positive" for this non-existent "virus" to consume deadly and expensive medicines which will, sooner or later, kill them.


Saying NO!

Vaccination and GMO Blues...

Don't you just love the old Nancy Reagan "Just Say No!" campaign.

Here's a short list of things I say no too.

* Just say no to genetically engineered foods.

* Just say no to compulsory micro-chipping of your pets, farm animals and children.

* Just say no to bogus vaccination campaigns

And there is no more bogus one then the drive to have all pre-teen girls injected with some junk called Gardasil.

If you have daughters or there are young girls in your extended
family, this video you must watch:


Just say no to health tyranny and say YES! to Health Freedom!

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

Friday, August 08, 2008

David Icke's Turning of the Tide Lecture

This is great lecture by David Icke exposing the real story behind global events, which shape the future of human existence and the world we leave our children.

Years ago David Icke was ridiculed for his views. Now more and more mainstream people are starting to take notice and as events unfold just as he has predicted years ago.

David Icke is one of those high IQ individuals that carries just about every detail of modern history in his head.

I have read David Icke's books and they are extremely well researched and documented. He is a professional investigative journalist after all.

Click HERE...
Turning of the Tide


Citibank, Bank of America -News of Fraud

Here is a little five minute flick from a trader.

He exposes some interesting stories on Citigroup and the Bank of America.

This is why I say 'conservative' and 'safe' is not always so.

Geez, I guess Enron was not alone. Looks like they found more pigs at the trough.

The commentator is so right. If WE did these things we would be in jail for a LONG LONG time. These guys just get away with it. Or get luxury jail time for 3 months.