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Friday, May 23, 2008

Now, for amusement, watch this short clip of McCain, the frontrunning Republican.


Looks like a clone of Bush. This is hilarious.

The fact that the media ignores Ron Paul and pushes this guy is quite incredible.

Really funny.

The difference in intellectual powers and understanding of historical precedent between these two is astounding.

The fact that FOX News and others are limited Ron Paul's access to debates is because he makes them all look so darn stupid. But, little do they know that more people are getting their information off the net these days and there could be an upsetting result in the election IF it is properly counted of course and the Diebold voting machines are watched.

What is great is that Ron Paul is dominating the online conversation and stimulating thought. For him that is more important that getting into office. He is succeeding in making people think. Congratulations to Ron Paul for that revolution in itself.

Ron Paul wisely states that if people change their thinking then politics will change.

Exactly so.

The only way such boneheads can get into office is because either we believe them and vote for them or do not vote for them and are defrauded through electronic voting or other manipulations. We can control both with some pressure in the right places.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ron Paul Interviewed by Google

Here is a very interesting interview of Ron Paul by Google.


Ron Paul is clearly the only politician left or right that I have ever, as a student of political science, seen actually speaking honestly.

Ron Paul has raised more money than any other candidate in the last quarter. Yet, he is getting much less media attention than he deserves.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Selling off BC's Rivers

If you live in BC please take the time (15 Min or so) to watch the video link below.

Please take the time to watch the video and pass it on to all of the people you know.


Thursday, May 08, 2008


Bill C-51 must be stopped.

Write letters, make phone calls, send e-mails.………stand up and fight for your rights, your freedom, and your health.


I attached printouts for you about Bill C-51. You can also go to www.stopc51.com for more information and your copy of the Bill.
If there's anything else that we can provide, please feel free to let us know.

This is a bill that will strip away your right to natural health products and set up Big Pharma to control what you can eat and not eat for your health.
Forward information on these rallies to anyone you know in these cities... http://www.stopc51.com/c51/find_rally.asp

Eliminates the Ability of our Elected Officials to Protect Us
Section 30(7) of Bill C-51

1. Bypassing our elected official’s ability to vote out laws that are not the will of, or in the interest of the Canadian people.
2. Allows government agents, (not elected officials) to create binding laws behind closed doors.
3. New powers will allow enforcement of these laws by the searching and seizing of private property and bank accounts without warrants.

Fast Tracks New Drugs to Market; Reduced Safety Measures

1. By shortening the approval process for new drugs.
2. By placing the responsibility of safety on drug companies with a proven track record of downplaying the health risks and side effects.

Increased numbers of adverse drug reactions will lead to an increase in malpractice and personal law suits against doctors who prescribe new drugs which have not been tested properly for health and safety risks.

University of Arizona, concluded that overall, the cost of U.S. drug related morbidity and mortality exceed $177.4 billion in the year 2000 with over 200,000 deaths created annually.

Ernst F.R., Grizzle A.J., Drug Related Morbidity and Mortality: Updating the Cost-of-Illness Model, J Am Pharm Assoc. 2001;41:192-9

Makes Upwards of 70% of Natural Health Products illegal

1. At the current rate of licensing failure, more than 70% of natural health products will be illegal.
2. Broad definitions will allow government agents to invoke enforcement on people who do as little as share a “therapeutic product” with a friend. Garlic and many other foods are therapeutic products.

Not “one” person has ever died in Canada because of a Natural Health Product.

Bill C-51 is not about Canadian Safety

Bill C-51 is about Big Pharma

Bill C-51 will allow binding laws to be created in secret

In Canada the law making process takes place in a public forum with our elected officials voting for or against them. They are held accountable to the public for their decisions. If Bill C-51 passes, it will allow laws to be created behind closed doors, by government agents who may not have our best interests in mind.

Buying Silver Low

May 8, 2008
Silver Snowball Update

Gold Rises as Dollar Declines, Oil Tops $122; Silver Gains

May 6 (Bloomberg) -- Gold rose for the third straight session as
the dollar declined against the euro and energy costs surged,
boosting the appeal of the precious metal as a hedge against
inflation. Silver also gained.

The euro climbed as much as 0.6 percent against the U.S. currency,
and crude oil jumped to $122.73 a barrel, the highest ever.

Another interesting fact just released is this:

Mining Weekly, May 8 2008

Higher silver prices fail to put a dent in demand

"Industrial demand for silver rose for the sixth year in a row as
high and volatile prices for the metal failed to deter buyers,
according to an industry report published on Wednesday.

In their World Silver Survey 2008, launched in New York, GFMS and
the Silver Institute report that the average silver price last year
was 16% higher than in 2006.

Further, investment demand, which has played a key role in driving
prices upwards, had continued to grow since, and had sent silver
prices to fresh highs above $20/oz, earlier this year.

However, despite the higher prices, industrial demand for silver
increased by 7%, to 455,3-million ounces.

A key factor behind the increase last year was the more than 6%
rise in the electrical and electronics sector, which broke the
200-million-ounce mark for the first time, the report said."


If you want to be in a business that will continue to do well during the Inflationary Great Depression we are entering which is becoming more obvious every day, and you have not yet joined our "little" soon to be "big" silver business where EVERY member receives silver, then because you are already in our system under the person who introduced you to SSB simply go to http://www.silversnowball.com/303

Scroll about a third of the way down the page and click on Add to Cart and start accumulating silver today, while it's still affordable.

You'll also get our complete online marketing system for building your business.

Smart people buy low and sell high. Silver is currently low. We have many members already earning 2, 3, 5, 10, some even 25 coins a month. Today is the best day to start if you haven't begun accumulating and earning silver. You may really need it someday. Don't depend on paper currency. Own real money. Be part of a growing trend and business. Join at http://www.silversnowball.com/303 right now and your order will be mailed the next business day.

Monday, May 05, 2008

MoneyMinding to Wall Street; Saving Money Will Keep You Broke

A Response by Tracy Piercy to the Wall Street Journal Article on May 1, 2008 Regarding Stimulus Checks (read the article here)

Saving Money Will Keep You Broke

May 5, 2008

The tax rebate checks under the Bush administration's economic stimulus plan won't do any good if people simply put them in the bank.

Last week, an online article in the Wall Street Journal claimed that we need to save more money - even if the interest on the savings won't keep up with inflation. This same article also restated the obvious: "we live in a culture fueled by spending and credit."

This is double talk and misses the whole point of why America is headed for recession. Wealth is created with credit. The government knows it, the banks know it, corporations know it and the wealthy know it. With credit, there is access to money to spend which increases corporate earnings, which increases tax revenue, both of which provide jobs and, therefore more income for workers to spend which continues this profit cycle.

When you remove access to credit, spending decreases which means earnings drop, which means jobs disappear, which means people stop spending and the problem gets worse and worse. This downward spiral is the recession the government is trying to thwart with the stimulus checks.

If you, and everyone else, takes their $600 average family rebate check and sticks it in the bank then no one is buying the products and services you, or your company, sells to earn the money to pay you your salary. When you lose your monthly income and can't pay your bills, that is when you end up losing your home and your security.

If you, and everyone else, stops spending then there won't be much left of Corporate America. People in other cultures have learned to do what North Americans seem to be 'too afraid' to do; that is, find ways to earn a living besides going to work for someone to get a paycheck. Just look at the growth of micro-lending companies in India as people start businesses on even less than what the average American is getting in his or her "stimulus check".

If we don't wake up and learn how to earn an income that pays for the freedoms and luxuries that we've bought on credit, then being broke will be the least of our worries - it will be our freedoms we're losing as emerging, strong foreign companies and banks who already own more than half the U.S. debt move in to take over struggling American ones.

Saving money is what people do when they are afraid of losing - not when they expect to win. It comes from the scarcity mentality that keeps people from stepping out and finding ways to earn the income they need to live, the way they want to live.

North Americans are able to start and run a business of just about any kind using credit. We can even use that money to invest in a variety of wealth building ventures that others have started - both of which create more income which enables more spending.

If you had planned to invest your stimulus check in a growth mutual fund or stock, your investment returns would give you about 7% as suggested in the Wall Street Journal article. On a $600 stimulus check that works out to only $3.50 a month. However, without spending, those returns would drop because the companies wouldn't be earning the returns they had in a strong and growing economy.

For $600, you could buy a bolt of cloth and make dish towels and your profit would be much more than $3.50 a month. Make cookies, make anything and sell it! Alternately, if you don't know how to sell what you'd make, then take a course to develop your financial and entrepreneurial skills.

Please spend the money from your stimulus check, and while you're doing it, make sure you start learning how you can earn even more money on an ongoing basis.

And, be sure to pass on this important message!

Click on the link below for more information on MoneyMinding....

Friday, May 02, 2008

More Cradle to Cradle Design for the Future...

Regarding Cradle to Cradle Design here is a quote from a friend.

William McDonough is an example of the kind of thought leader we need more of in the world. I like that he doesn’t define his ideas in terms of being AGAINST someone or some group. He’s not anti-commerce or anti-growth or anti-china etc. He’s pragmatic and fundamentally an optimist, which makes him both credible and inspiring.

Here’s a longer documentary on McDonough’s cradle-to-cradle design ideas for those who want more:


Africa Bullied on GMO Labelling

I think we all need to support mandatory labelling on GMO products. These companies are free to choose to make it. We should be free to choose to NOT consume it or consume based on the information freely available in the public realm on this issue.

See article below and support Health Freedom.










"US Bullies Africa which Shouts "NO! To Unlabeled GMOs!"

You Are Glad We Are Here at Codex.
The US Is Definitely Not!

US Bullies Africa on GM Labeling, Africa's Had Enough

The US outdid itself at this Codex meeting. It actually bullied another country into withdrawing its submission because the paper South Africa submitted in favor of Mandatory GM Labeling was so strong and under cut the US position that no labeling should ever be permitted. South Africa is a sovereign nation, with its own concerns, laws and issues, but it was forced by US bullying to rescind its submission because of the international tantrum that the US threw. Read about it here (http://www.prweb.com/releases/GM_Labeling/Codex/prweb909004.htm).

The US DOES NOT want anyone to know if there is GM food in what they are eating under any circumstances. Once the US became aware of South Africa's paper (apparently before it was generally available to the rest of the meeting), they jumped all over them electronically. This was a major affront to national sovereignty, African and the concept that Codex is anything but a mouth piece for the multinational corporations which the US represents! Africa, however, decided that they have had enough!

Read more here (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=683).

What this means for us as consumers is huge. What it means for us as an organization is likewise huge but adds a continuing requirement for sufficient funding for us to be able to continue both our health freedom campaigns in the US and to continue our international work. For example, we will need to go to Africa at least twice before the next CCFL meeting, perhaps 3 times, if we are to support this vitally important effort properly. Species-specific mandatory labeling of GM foods impacts each and every one of us. Manufacturers who have to put such declarations on their labels for international trade will put great pressure on the US to lift the ban on such labeling for domestic consumption. The US will be hard pressed, indeed, to keep such labeling out of the US on food imported (as more and more of our food is) and the pressure for mandatory GM labeling will be increased immeasurably by this move.

We are proud to be such an active part of this movement to allow people to have health freedom options in their food choices and eat safe foods.

YES, INDEED, compared to the US position, we certainly have something else to say to anyone with a pro-health ear and we continue to say it.

Thanks, Dr. Schneeman, for that excellent confirmation of the accuracy and importance of our work!
Remember, the US actively FORBIDS the labeling of the GM components in your food.

You read that right. It FORBIDS any reference to the fact that 75-80% of your food contains (or is) Genetically Modified. So you are part of the largest experiment in human history. Risk Assessment and Risk Management depend on Post Market Surveillance, as it is called, which means finding out what the stuff that you are exposed to does to you. It is the final (and official) phase of human experimentation and clinical trials for foods and drugs. Without labeling, however, there can be no Post Market Surveillance because there is no possible way to find out who ate what and when. There is therefore absolutely no way of knowing what these "foods" are doing to us and our children, to our cancer and fertility rates, to the possibility that, for example, contact with GM cotton might be causing the horrifying Morgellon's Disease and [literally!] who knows what else. Consumers who want to avoid this stuff (as I do, because the more I learn about these products, the more concerned I become and the more unwilling I am to consume them.

The Natural Solutions Foundation is working on this issue inside, and outside, of the US because that's where the solutions are. What is the US afraid of your knowing? If you read Appendix I (on the right hand side of the Press Release about the situation (http://www.prweb.com/releases/GM_Labeling/Codex/prweb909004.htm)to South Africa's Conference Room Document 21 (now retracted), you will see a pretty good summary of why you should be afraid, very afraid, of eating GM foods. If you read Appendix II of the same document, you will see the official US Policy, taken directly from the FDA's website, on why GM foods are NOT tested for safety and why materials proving their safety are not required before they enter the food chain - and your body!
Two Working Groups on the labeling of GM foods were convened (Oslo, 2007 and Accra, 2008) to deal with this impasse. The Oslo meeting saw the memorable declaration by the US Delegate, FDA's Dr. Barbara Schneeman, that the reason the US FORBIDS any GM labeling is that consumers would overwhelmingly reject GM if they knew they were eating it and therefore, because the US holds that GM and non GM foods are identical, it would be false and misleading information if consumers were told the truth about GM components in their foods. I have previously reported on the stunned silence and astonishment that greeted this revelation, characterized by the EU Delegate (when he could catch his breath!) as "Weird!"

Zimbabwe, Zambia and several other African nations are, in fact, convinced the description should be "Lethal" because they believe that GM food is a genocidal strategy to depopulate Africa [first]. They may be right, given the fact that organisms like Epicyte's spermicide-producing corn, which confers permanent male sterility when eaten, which was patented in 2001. Monsanto and DuPont acquired it for development and proliferation. The extent to which it has contaminated the food chain is currently unknown.* Further, the emerging science of GM impacts is frighteningly clear: eating, raising or growing GM products has many serious impacts.**

Please tell everyone you know that the labeling of GM foods is an issue of major importance and ask them to visit the Natural Solutions website, www.HealthFreedomUSA.org and join the distribution list for our free Health Freedom eAlerts. You'll get the information you need and the action steps you can take to keep food fit for eating!

Remember, Freedom isn't Free! Donate generously to keep the pressure on the people and institutions who want to take away your health freedoms and, with them, your health! All donations are tax deductible. Please consider a recurring donation (http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=189) to help us help you keep your health AND your freedom!

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima