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Friday, May 23, 2008

Now, for amusement, watch this short clip of McCain, the frontrunning Republican.


Looks like a clone of Bush. This is hilarious.

The fact that the media ignores Ron Paul and pushes this guy is quite incredible.

Really funny.

The difference in intellectual powers and understanding of historical precedent between these two is astounding.

The fact that FOX News and others are limited Ron Paul's access to debates is because he makes them all look so darn stupid. But, little do they know that more people are getting their information off the net these days and there could be an upsetting result in the election IF it is properly counted of course and the Diebold voting machines are watched.

What is great is that Ron Paul is dominating the online conversation and stimulating thought. For him that is more important that getting into office. He is succeeding in making people think. Congratulations to Ron Paul for that revolution in itself.

Ron Paul wisely states that if people change their thinking then politics will change.

Exactly so.

The only way such boneheads can get into office is because either we believe them and vote for them or do not vote for them and are defrauded through electronic voting or other manipulations. We can control both with some pressure in the right places.

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