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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What will it get you? Vaccinated with a Weaponized Vaccine.

This is an excerpt from Health Freedom USA. In the end YOU need to decide what is true and what is not. But, here is an alternative view on what is happening right now. It is a view you will not hear from anyone invested in Big Pharma (most are indirectly).

For the whole article and follow ups go to http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=2581

Support them by purchasing Nano Silver as this is one of the proven effective anti-virals out there with no side effects.

I have the reports of several Mexican doctors who tell us that their colleagues were vaccinated and died. Vaccinated with what, you may ask? Now that is a really good question. Remembering that the CDC claims that it already has a “seed stock” from this virus which first appeared, they say, on April 14 in Mexico, that is pretty good work.

My research says that it takes quite a lot longer to make the seed stock, the purified and characterized virus, from which vaccines can be made.

And then it takes an absolute minimum of 4 months, if you are favored by the vaccine-making gods, to get yourself a vaccine.

Now, that vaccine may or may not provide any ‘immunity’ against the virus or other organism you are hoping it will protect you from.

Again, according to my research, there is literally NO disinterested evidence to suggest that vaccines provide any sort of protection from any sort of disease (I know, this is heresy to the vaccine priests and their followers - sorry, I am compelled to speak the truth as real science tells us). We do know, however, that vaccination damages the immune system in a rather horrific number of ways. Despite the ‘white wash’ and fol-de-roll, that is simply the science of the matter.

So now we have a new virus, clearly man-made, against which doctors in Mexico are being vaccinated within less than 2 weeks of its being discovered. And they are dying, according to our sources.

What does that tell us? To my mind, it tells us that the entire purpose of this exercise is two fold:

(1) to get those vaccines into your body and
(2) to tie down global control of the planet.

There is no way whatsoever that a vaccine, which is specific to a particular organism, can be effective, to the extent that it is ever effective, against another organism. NONE. Even the CDC admitted earlier today that existing flu vaccine supplies were not “effective” against this Swine Flu (according to CNN).

But, what will the vaccines do? Consider what happened in January when Baxter Pharmaceuticals “accidentally” contaminated shipments of seasonal flu vaccines to 18 countries with live Avian Flu virus. If that “mistake” (how did that live virus get into the very secure vaccine factory?) had not been discovered, there would already be an Avian Flu pandemic… so now, that weaponization having failed, we get the Swine Flu “incident…”

For more details about the January incident, see:

Some commentators have said that this exercise is only that — a dress rehearsal for the “real thing” and they could, of course, be correct. But whether they are correct or not, the game is going forward and it is one in which the official rule book is being written by those who will benefit from the new feudalism.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

This is regarding the Avian Flu Vaccinations that may be mandatory. Check out these videos There are some very serious accusations that perhaps you should know about.....



No one knows if something like will ever happen. But, it is something to watch out for.

However, there is a test here. Follow the money and ask yourself:

1. Who profits by the scare?
2. Who profits from forced vaccinations?
3. Who has profited from such in the past?

To my knowledge, no one died of the Avian Flu in Japan during the last scare. Tamiflu, however, made the most sales in Japan than anywhere else. Result? Many alleged deaths due to the side effects of Tamiflu and ZERO deaths due to the bird flu!

1918 Spanish Flu?

Some historians say that the greatest death toll came from those who were vaccinated.

Last night on the CBC News a comment was made about a Flu Epidemic during the Ford Presidency. They noted that most of the deaths in that period were due to vaccinations! I think that slipped through unintentionally! ;) Normally, that is not the line most people are being fed on mainstream media.

Bottom Line: Be VERY careful about vaccinations. They could kill you!

Better to build up your supply of anti-virals and work on building up your immunity.

Friday, April 24, 2009

New Swine/Avian/Human Flu Engineered?

About a week ago I received a report of possible transportation of 'flu viruses' via truck to undisclosed locations. Watch this video as it describes the possible intentional release of this virus into the environment for reasons I can only speculate.

Video on flu virus possibly being transported by 'Homeland Security' in the US. Taking loads of iced refrigerated loads to the Pentagon. Trucker get vaccinated and doing 3 loads a day for $5000 a crack:

Mainstream News Report

Then read this:

The fact that this a human/swine/avian combination the potential of it being engineered is considerable in my view.

Whether for profit or some other motive there appears to be something going on here that is raising a lot of red flags.

Missing Vials of Virus Samples (April 23rd)

Fort Dix

Beyond that do some of your own research on the net.

My sources told me BEFORE this outbreak that over the next 90 days there would likely be a war and a possible false flag attack (ie biological attack). Watching this unfold knowing what these sources have predicted is almost surreal.

Assume accident (incompetence) or intention (??). Whatever you like. But, this information needs to be monitored for the safety of you and your family.


Stock up on:

Vitamin C
Oil of Oregano
Colloidal Silver
Clean water

Avoid anything that will suppress your immunity.

Do your own due diligence. This could fizzle out. Or it could be spread (or released) further.

Take your own due precautions.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This is a must-watch video.
Watch this video and notice who is paying for all of the bank problems ...but, keep a vomit bag nearby!

Send this to everyone on your list. Maybe it will put a stop to this outrage.


Have a fraudulent...er, uh, I mean great Wall St. day!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dissolution of the United States?

It happened in the Soviet Union. It may be happening in the US now. A majority of states are now passing sovereignty related resolutions. Over 30 states are moving toward sovereignty.

Gov. Perry Backs Resolution Affirming Texas Sovereignty Under 10th Amendment - Part 1

Gov. Perry Backs Resolution Affirming Texas Sovereignty Under 10th Amendment - Part 2

Friday, April 17, 2009

RCMP and Health Canada Raid Naturopath in Calgary

You have to see what is happening in Calgary. This is really getting ridiculous.
