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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Financial Thinking Needed!

Obama’s Paradigm Shift Won’t Come from Old Teaching

January 28, 2009

Victoria BC - In order to make the change desperately needed in America, we need to help people develop their own financial knowledge not tap into experts like Suze Orman and others who continue to deliver the same outdated message that is just adding to the problem.

Today’s money teaching emphasizes getting a better return on your money, saving more and cutting back expenses, rather than looking to develop ongoing income. Creating income, as opposed to getting a job and saving more money for old age is a process that seems to be forgotten by most of today’s financial teachers – yet well understood by developing countries.

Saving large sums of money for a distant ‘retirement’ hasn’t produced a financially independent nation for decades (if at all) and isn’t going to start now. In fact, this concept actually contributes to fear and financial stress because it promotes things like:

- Build up your nest egg, then reduce your risk because you ‘can’t afford to lose it’

- Get out of debt and reduce your spending

- Buy long term investments and hold and hold and hold through all market conditions

- Someone else (government or corporations) will take care of you

The new message we need, connects the psychology of success with day to day money decisions so the average person who has no formal money training can:

- Expand their financial knowledge;

- Create independence for themselves;

- Take control of their financial destiny.

- We need to teach everyone how to create income (not just get a job) so they can spend money the way they want to.

- We need to encourage them and help them take control of the things they can control (like the amount of loss they’ll accept on their investments or amount of money they earn) – not make them feel bad for wanting more.

- We need to help them learn how to ask questions of financial professionals who have the specialized technical knowledge they need and who also know their personal situation – not ad hoc tid-bits that will add to confusion and part information.

We won’t succeed in changing the personal financial situation in America if we continue to deliver information from a technical perspective that makes people feel inferior, intimidated or wrong for spending their money the way they want. We need a dramatic shift in perspective - now.

To book an interview for a fresh new perspective on personal finance - visit www.moneyminding.com/media or call 250-592-0457 (Pacific Standard Time).

Contact: Tracy Piercy, Certified Financial Planner and founder and CEO MoneyMinding Inc.

Net tops 1 billion Users

In December 2008, the total number of Internet users worldwide surpassed 1 billion for the first time.

According to this report from PC Advisor China tops the list with almost 180 million users (18 percent of the global total).

In second place is the United States with 163 million users.

While the criteria for audience measurement on a global scale can be a little bit tricky, an "Internet user" can be defined as follows:

"The group is made up of people aged 15 and older, using home and work computers. It excludes traffic from public computers such as Internet cafes or access from mobile phones or PDAs."

According to the above report, the top 10 countries in terms of online audience are:

1. China: 179,710,000

2. United States: 163,300,000

3. Japan: 59,993,000

4. Germany: 36,992,000

5. United Kingdom: 36,664,000

6. France: 34,010,000

7. India: 32,099,000

8. Russia: 28,998,000

9. Brazil: 27,688,000

10. South Korea: 27,254,000

So, I guess we should learn Chinese as a second language pretty quick!

Imagine the potential in that market. Just China and US alone account for over 300,000,000 users.

The interesting point is that it is not stopping there. According to some estimates 1,000,000 users PER DAY are connecting to the net. In ten months that is ANOTHER 300 MILLION users.

If you are struggling to make ends meet in your local market you had better get smart regarding the internet. This is where the new economy is shifting. Expecting to get a job that pays more than minimum wage in this market may not be too realistic unless you are specializing in certain high demand fields.

My suggestion is keep increasing your knowledge of the internet and keeping building up your economy there while maintaining what you have. Eventually, you may be able to shift to a whole new way of business that will be recession proof or at least keep the wolves from the door.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hidenka - Non Electric Devices

Here is a site where non-electric free energy is featured.


See a non-electric fridge.


Free Energy device

Watch George Green demonstrate a very simple magnetic free energy device that anyone can use. It becomes very apparent why the oil and utility companies don't want this information out of the box.


George Green is an ex-insideer, ex-investment banker, ex-real estate deveoper, etc who has some interesting insights into where things are headed right now.

Watch his interview at www.consciousmedianetwork.com for more insight into what all the events in the world today are about, how they are connected, and where they are leading us, or...where we are leading them.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Is Your Mainstream Investment Strategy Killing You?

Did you know what the average international stock fund's one-year return was? According to Morningstar rankings, over 2800 funds LOST an average of 45.7%.

What about their average annual returns over the last 5 years?

That same class of funds only earned an average of 0.28% annually!

Why I am telling you this?

It is because so often people tell me that their investments are secure in the mainstream marketplace.

Well, they may be liquid but how secure is a 45.7% loss? Or a 0.28% annualized gain over five years that doesn't even keep up with inflation.

If you are invested in these things you are:

1. Losing your shirt right now.
2. At risk for more losses.
3. Making brokers and bankers rich and paying off THEIR mortgages if they have any

So, if you are going to take risks you might as well get some yield.

That is why I have always sought out high yield high risk investments.

Done properly with a formula and understanding probabilities you can pull off a better annualized return than 0.58% for sure after all losses that can and do occur in the high yield investment world, the 12th Step world (http://www.twelfth-step.com)

Take an arbitrage pool like GNI

They promise and do pay a steady 6% per week.

It seems unbelievable if you think mutual funds.

But, not so if you think Sports Arbitrage. Do some research and see what you can do with arbitrage if you know what you are doing.

It is the same in business.

If you set up a hot dog stand on the corner and it costs you $100 and you make $$100 a day selling hot dogs and expenses are $50 a day what is the return on your investment?

50% a day right? If you have someone work it 365 days a year your little hot dog stand would return you over 18000%

You see, if you think like a businessperson you will never settle for minus 45% a year.

Invest in businesses not Wall Street Ponzis, most of them are nothing more than that. And much of Wall St. has been designed to do one thing: launder drug money around the world. This is an undeniable fact and if you want to move money around the world largely undetected set up a publicly traded company. So, shell companies and empty ponzis like Enron are a dime a dozen and are just unravelling now.

For me, give me high risk high yield any day.

Of course, I don't mean to say that ALL mainstream investments are bad. Just be careful what you choose and why you choose it and don't expect a high return any time soon.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

BDI Collapse and Implications to Consider

This information may be critical to your economic future.

Here is some information regarding the Baltic Dry Index.

This is a rarely discussed and largely unknown and non-traded non-manipulated index.

Understanding the BDI may be critical to our preparation for what is happening in the world and the flow of goods that we depend on. This should be very interesting to see how this plays out.
Please do not understimate the importance of this collapse!

Here is a video you must take a few minutes to understand:

Watch This Video: Click Here

Some articles to note...

Notice that this article was written back in October and where things are at now.
Here is the index itself with charts: Be sure to Click Here and save the
page <
What would be interesting is to go back in history and see if there has ever been a time in history when BDI has been this low?
Here is a video in which Hal Turner of short wave radio fame discusses the collapse of the USD and the new Amero to take it's place, giving USD holders only pennies on the dollar.
an international multi-currency account somewhere (maybe a credit union someone can refer you to?) and get out of the USD.

Here is a domestic bank may be a quick first step to diversify out of the dollar.

Saturday, January 03, 2009


PART 1 of 3

By Greg Ciola

December 31, 2008


Every year when flu season rolls around the public is barraged with news stories about the reasons to get a flu shot. This year is no different. From coast to coast the headlines are blaring “Get Your Shot!” Within the past few months the CDC even lowered the recommended age for the flu shot to children as young as six months old. Basically, that means they think that just about everyone in the country should get the shot except for newborns in order to stay well.

I have been trying to counter the propaganda regarding the flu shot for a number of years and for a number of reasons. Here are a few of them.

1. The flu shot contains toxic agents that could be harmful to your health. The shot could contain aluminum, formaldehyde, thimerosal (mercury), ethylene glycol, polysorbate 80, antibiotics and other adjuvants. Ask for the package insert on the shot for more details or do some research on the Internet. None of these compounds are 100% safe to inject into your body, even in the smallest of amounts. A slew of research points to them being serious culprits in a number of health challenges, including permanent disabilities and death. An excellent source where you can learn more about all vaccines and download the package inserts is www.vaclib.org.

2. The flu shot does not guarantee immunity. There is no evidence that the flu shot actually works. Pharmaceutical companies play a guessing game each year to try and determine which viral strain or strains will be circulating during flu season and that’s what they’ll put in the shot. The problem is viruses can mutate and change forms very easily so trying to guess which virus to protect against is analogous to a Vegas Craps shoot. Every year in recent memory, including the 2007-08 flu season, they have vaccinated against strains that have been proven to not be the culprit. According to a story written by Sheryl Walters for www.naturalnews.com, “In 2004, The National Vaccine Information Center reported that the vaccine given that year did not contain the flu strain that caused the majority of flu outbreaks that year. A study published in the Lancet in August revealed that there was no correlation between the flu shot and reduced risk of pneumonia. Further, a large study of 260,000 children between 23 month and 6 discovered that the flu vaccine is no more effective than a placebo. This was reported in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.”

According to the CDC’s own data, preventing influenza with the shot in the past has only ranged between 30-40%. That means that 60-70% of those who have taken the shot in previous flu seasons were not protected from the flu at all. This flu season (2008-09), the CDC is making bold claims that the shot will be 70-90% effective. This is being stated before flu season really kicks into high gear, and it is being stated after last year’s shot was proven to miss the mark. Sadly, the failure rate is never given. Most in society have been conditioned to believe that if you get a flu shot you’re protected.

3. The flu shot helps spread the flu. The shot contains something called attenuated virus. Attenuated basically means half-killed. The shot has to evoke an immune response and therefore has to have some form of viral activity to it to stimulate that immune response. The theory is to give you a tiny dose of the flu so your body will build immunity to it. Anyone who thinks that they are not contagious after getting a flu shot is woefully mistaken. Most of the package inserts will even tell you that you may exhibit mild flu symptoms for a few days after getting a shot. There are also a percentage of people who receive the shot and get very sick. If you don’t want to get the flu one way to avoid it is to stay away from people who get the shot for at least two weeks.

Read the whole article here... http://www.newswithviews.com/Ciola/greg109.htm

Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Energy Congress

Here is a link to the New Energy Congress.


Check this out to see what the movement for the 'post-oil' era is up to.

You will be amazed at where we are going with energy technologies.

Genie is out of the bottle and Big Oil will not be able to get it back in.

Tooooo bad! :)