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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Could gold go to $15,000 an Ounce? Some think so...

The small group of gold enthusiasts who started out few in numbers a few years back has made a parabolic move over the past year or so much like their projections for the future price of gold. They now number an unbelievable 108 who have stated, with sound reasons in their opinions, why gold could quite possibly go to a parabolic top of at least $2,500 an ounce – to even as much as an unimaginable $15,000 – before the bubble finally pops! In fact, the majority (65) maintain that $5,000 or more for gold is likely.

In this article I identify the economists, academics, analysts and financial writers who hold such a lofty opinion of the prospects for gold and provide the URLs of their articles so you can ascertain for yourself their logic for such parabolic moves in the years to come.

Click HERE to read the whole article...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

More Hilarity

I had to post this tongue in cheek response from my dad in Australia!

After reading the last post on vaccines he says:


My name is Allen Nash, an eighty year old who has been vaccinated at least 75 times in my life. I have been on flu shots for the last 20 years, and as yet have not died, nor caught the flu, and at 80 am hale and hearty.

But thanks for your advice and information anyway. 


Allen Nash

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Friend of Health Freedom Writes to Diane Feinstein...

 Sometimes Health Freedom Is Just Plain Hilarious!

A good friend of health freedom wrote to Diane Feinstein (D CA) about his flu vaccine concerns.  He received the predictable form letter containing such idiocy as ...

"Several studies have been conducted, by the CDC and other agencies, in response to concerns that thimerosal, a mercury-containing component of the influenza vaccine, is linked to autism.  These studies did not find such a link, noting that the amount of thimerosal in the vaccine was too low to have an effect.  One study found that, even after thimerosal was removed from vaccines in Denmark, the rate of autism in children continued to rise.
The influenza vaccine is the safest, most effective method of preventing the spread of a disease which, according to the CDC, leads to an average of 36,000 deaths each year.  Please know that I will keep your thoughts in mind should legislation regarding the influenza vaccine come before the Senate.

        Sincerely yours,
         Dianne Feinstein
         United States Senator"

Our articulate friend wrote back to her a letter which I now share with you with thanks to him for his activism, his passion and his sharing of this exchange.

"Dear Diane,
         Thank you so much for your email regarding the use of the deadly mercury in the H1N1 vaccine and other injections given even to newborn babies with no regard to the long term neurological consequences and the damage that will be done to millions of families across our country and around the world.  I appreciate your need to do all you can for the reputation of the WTO, after their complete exposure as a fraudulent organization when they issued a pandemic alert of the highest level last year (level 6) in order to convince (or coerce) millions of people to take the toxic vaccines.
         I sympathize with you that the otherwise well-coordinated scam did not work, and the "pandemic" had to be canceled, with millions of unused injections sitting on the shelves, waiting for a pandemic to be created fast enough to use them before they have to be thrown away.  No one realizes how hard the poor drug dealers work with their government servants to pull off one of these global scams, and how much hard-extorted money they lose when one does not work.  Actually, though, since the government bought the injectable drugs from them, there is fortunately no loss to the drug dealers themselves, but only to the American public, since this was a taxpayer expense.
         As far as your reassurance that CDC and FDA have made sure these toxins are really good and healthy for us to inject into our bodies, thank you that makes me feel so much better.  I realize that as a busy senator, you have no spare time to waste on things like learning what the CDC and the FDA are, or that they are fully controlled by and take their orders from, the drug companies.  Later, when you are retired, perhaps you can take the time to study these things, instead of just repeating what you have been told.  If you eventually become honest, and perhaps develop a conscience, you will find that the current "health care" system, overseen and controlled by the respectable drug lords that you know as "pharmaceutical companies" has become the number two cause of death in American today (something like 750,000 deaths a year from "properly" used drugs).
         I look forward to the time you become interested in what good you could actually do for the people you are supposed to represent.  There is still time for you to drop the party and political nonsense, and take up humility, honesty, and a sincere interest in truth instead.  Millions of us are waiting for that time and wishing you well in getting there.
         In the meantime, if you ever develop any curiosity to see the real data on vaccines, take a look at:
 www.homefirst.com, and www.healthfreedomusa.org, and numerous others which are not connected to the vast "health care" drug machine.  The information is rock solid, science based, and will amaze you if you allow yourself to learn.
    [Name Redacted at Writer's Request]"

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rawesome Foods Raided

(NaturalNews) On June 30, 2010, a group of armed government agents from local, state, federal and even the Canadian government illegally trespassed on private property and raided Rawesome Foods, a private food buying club in Venice, California. With guns drawn, these agents tore through the property stealing computers, raw dairy products and honey, all while holding some of the volunteer workers hostage for several hours. When the agents finally left, they took with them thousands of dollars in private property as well as the surveillance footage of their armed rampage.

Sounds like a scene out of a horror movie, right? Except this actually happened, though unless you're tuned in to the health freedom movement, you've probably heard nothing about it. Most of the mainstream media outlets would never touch a story like this because it exposes just how tyrannical and out of control our government has become on issues like raw milk and food freedom.

Many of the details in this story haven't been published before. Read the full article at:

Do Drug Firm Bribery Charges Implicate the U.S. FDA?

How can anyone have implicit faith in the science and products produced by BIG Pharma when The Wall Street Journal on October 5, 2010 featured the article “Drug Firms Face Bribery Probe” by Michael Rothfeld?
That question automatically should be followed with, “Will those charges also implicate the U.S. FDA?” Not knowing all the facts, but being of a suspicious nature, I’d say anything is possible given the long-term revolving door policy that seems to exist within government agencies, Big Pharma, and the chemical industry. This is where the U.S. Congress, in my opinion, has been—and continues to be—remiss in its oversight duties.
If one studies pharmaceutical demographics, as I have for years, one readily realizes that starting in the 1980s, Big Pharma companies began their push and drive to manage healthcare via their products by using what many feel are scare tactics in media advertising and unreliable science—something that the FDA apparently condones and even seems to parrot.

Read all HERE

Dr. Horowitz Exposes Dr. Oz H1N1 Fraud

"The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead." -- Aristotle

A typical example of Dr. Horowitz's razor sharp encyclopedic knowledge & understanding...

(in the process of exposing this Dr Oz as bought and paid for...)




and read up on all the related links there in your spare time...

This could be about saving someone's life. So, please 'Like' it on YouTube IF you like it and and hit the share buttons to get this out. More people need to wake up to the Medical Mafia and their machinations.


In 2009, after becoming the first doctor in the world to charge the World Health Organization with fraud in the Swine Flu "manufactured pandemic," Dr. Leonard Horowitz learned of an organized plan to assassinate him. He, along with investigative journalist, Sherri Kane, then exposed the agents and agencies responsible for the murder plot.

This historic show explains why Horowitz, and his natural healing recommendations, represent the greatest threat to established medicine, and its satanic directors, in HISTORY.

Brief Bio:

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz is an internationally known authority in the overlapping fields of public health, behavioral science, emerging diseases, and natural healing. He began his career as an anatomy instructor and researcher on the faculties of Tufts and Harvard Universities, respectively; becoming a dentist, periodontal surgeon, behavioral scientist, award-winning film-maker and author of 16 books on the risks of medicine versus benefits of natural healing.  (See "Career Highlights") below.

This Coast-to-Coast Special Tells It ALL. . . .

Dr. Horowitz is expected to discuss:
Hour 1: 10-11PM PST, Tuesday Night, Oct. 19, 2010
1)    The medical establishment's greatest weakness;
2)    Why the vaccination paradigm is dangerously flawed;
3)    Why he views modern medicine as "barbaric;"
4)    What made Dr. H. believe the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic a fraud;
5)    Why Dr. Horowitz latest film, PharmaWhores: The SHOWTIME Sting of Penn & Teller, in which conflicting interests between drug-makers and the most powerful media moguls are featured, prompted a CIA/FBI "COINTELPRO" assassination plot against his life;
6)    Who is really behind the plot to assassinate Horowitz?
7)    What lessons can be learned from exposing those responsible for assassinating journalists, especially independent journalists.

Hour 2: 11PM-12AM PST, Tuesday Night/Wednesday Morning, Oct. 19/20, 2010
8)    Dr. Horowitz's plan for bringing people together worldwide as the antidote to the trouble-makers.
9)    Dr. Horowitz's celebration of Healthy World Organization, a alternative to the corrupt World Health Organization, and a support store cooperative, HealthyWorldAffiliates.com.
10)  The doctor's " 5-Steps" for natural, even "miraculous," healing.
11)   The sacredness of water, why it is essential for natural healing, and what kind of water to drink
12)   Natural remedies, herbs, vitamins, even silver products are being increasingly regulated, and access to these products is being increasingly restricted. What you can do about this?
13)  Why replace toxic antibiotics and risky vaccinations with simple mineral water, OxySilver, resonating with 528Hz frequency.

Hour 3: 12AM-1AM PST, /Wednesday Morning, Oct. 20, 2010
14) What people need that government health care never provides.

15) Why the future of medicine lies in "hydrosonic science."
16) How DNA functions in natural healing through hydro-creationism.
17) Explaining "miraculous healings" in terms of electrogenetics, hydrocreationism, or what the religious world calls the power of the Holy Spirit to cure you.
18) Evidence for the "Spiritual Renaissance" unfolding to heal people and our planet, naturally, and how this is changing established medicine.
19)   How to more fully engage the "Spiritual Renaissance."
20)  The three keys to gaining spiritual protection.
21)  Knowing, and celebrating, the greatest secreted truth in history.