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Thursday, June 28, 2007

re- Updates

If you have an interest in any particular present or past project and would like an update please feel free to contact me directly. Normally, I will not send updates anymore unless there is major news to report. If there is no update you can presume it is basically in the same status of the last update sent.

Save the Internet

The big boys have some plans for the net.

Find out how this will disadvantage you and choose to stand up for Net Neutrality.

Go now and support this.


Saturday, June 23, 2007

Amity Funds is Back Up

Amity Funds survived the DDOS attack and is now back up and running and engaging in some prevention measures for the future.

I suggest you log in and change your passwords if you have not done so already.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Forex Facts! Did you KNOW?

Forex Facts! Did you KNOW?

The Foreign Exchange Market was established in 1971 with the abolishment of fixed currency exchanges. Currencies became valued at 'floating' rates determined by supply and demand. The FOREX grew steadily throughout the 1970's, but with the technological advances of the 80's FOREX grew from trading levels of $70 billion a day to the current level of over $2.3 trillion.

The FOREX is made up of about 5000 trading institutions such as international banks, central government banks (such as the US Federal Reserve), and commercial companies and brokers for all types of foreign currency exchange.There is no centralized location of FOREX – major trading centers are located in New York, Tokyo, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, and Frankfurt, and all trading is by telephone or over the Internet. Businesses use the market to buy and sell products in other countries, but most of the activity on the FOREX is from currency traders who use it to generate profits from small movements in the market.

Even though there are many huge players in FOREX, it is accessible to the small investor thanks to recent changes in the regulations. Previously, there was a minimum transaction size and traders were required to meet strict financial requirements. With the advent of Internet trading, regulations have been changed to allow large interbank units to be broken down into smaller lots. Each lot is worth about $100,000 and is accessible to the individual investor through 'leverage' – loans extended for trading. Typically, lots can be controlled with a leverage of 100:1 meaning that US$1,000 will allow you to control a $100,000 currency exchange.
The advantages to trading in FOREX

  • Liquidity - Because of the size of the Foreign Exchange Market, investments are extremely liquid. International banks are continuously providing bid and ask offers and the high number of transactions each day means there is always a buyer or a seller for any currency.
  • Accessibility – The market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. The market opens Monday morning Australian time and closes Friday afternoon New York time. Trades can be done on the Internet from your home or office.
  • Open Market – Currency fluctuations are usually caused by changes in national economies. News about these changes is accessible to everyone at the same time – there can be no 'insider trading' in FOREX.
  • No commission – Brokers earn money by setting a 'spread' – the difference between what a currency can be bought at and what it can be sold at.

How does it work?

Currencies are always traded in pairs – the US dollar against the Japanese yen, or the English pound against the euro. Every transaction involves selling one currency and buying another, so if an investor believes the euro will gain against the dollar, he will sell dollars and buy euros.

The potential for profit exists because there is always movement between currencies. Even small changes can result in substantial profits because of the large amount of money involved in each transaction. At the same time, it can be a relatively safe market for the individual investor. There are safeguards built in to protect both the broker and the investor and a number of software tools exist to minimize loss.
Forex has been called 'the ultimate asset class.'

It has never ever experienced an across-the-board bear market. It can't!

In fact, it is completely crash-proof!

Nor has it ever been sullied by corporate corruption.

The Last Sanctuary From the Excesses of the Greenspan Era.
Greenspan's liquidity super cycle has made the markets an expensive, over-extended and dangerous place to shop. After a devastating market crash in 2001, blue-chip stocks are once again at or near all-time highs. Commodities - from copper to coffee...from sugar to silicon...from oil to gold – have risen 100-500% in the last five years.

Emerging markets from India to Indonesia...from Russia to Argentina have soared. Housing markets from Beijing to Boston...from London to LA are sky-high. Even yields on T-bills have almost doubled in the past few years. In a world of bubbles, there has never been a more important time for this exclusive asset class.
Even though it is one of the oldest, biggest, most liquid (and fastest growing) on the planet, and even though it is far less volatile than stocks, and is infinitely easier to read, to predict and to play...it is still very new to the mainstream investor.

Always a Bull Market!
The currency market also has many unique advantages not shared by any other asset class. In fact, it boasts a secret advantage that makes the opportunities that lie in it shine above all the rest.
For example, currencies (as an asset class) are:

  • The Most Liquid Market on Earth! It's the shop that never closes. And you'll always find a buyer - and a seller - even when the broader market's getting blown to bits! As the president and CEO of Global Forex Trading, Gray Tilkin recently said: The currency market -- open 24 hours a day, six days a week -- "is the best speculative market to trade in because it's got more liquidity than other markets."
  • The Last Truly Great FREE Market! Unlike other financial markets, the FOREX market has no physical location, no central exchange. It operates through a global network of banks, corporations and individuals trading one currency for another.

That's why it can operate 24 hours a day. Prices are set on computer screens. Because of this, and because of its sheer size it's difficult for any one government, central banker or big player to fiddle with its price. In other words, it's hard to get duped in the currency markets. And while government and central banks do intervene in the markets at times, these are often golden opportunities to rake in easy gains.

  • Always in a Bull Market! While other markets experience booms and busts, the FOREX market can't. You'll always find a bull somewhere. Many, in fact! For every currency that's going down, there's always another that's going up. By definition, if the Swiss franc is appreciating against the U.S. dollar, then you could say that the Franc is in a bull market, and the U.S. dollar is in a bear market. BUT what if the yen is plummeting even harder than the dollar? Then the dollar is still in a bull market in comparison to the yen. And even if you live in the U.S., and already have all your assets in dollars, you can still benefit from a rising dollar as easily as buying a stock.
  • It's the only market in the world that's always full of bulls! They're everywhere.
  • Safeguard Against Crashes! Currencies rarely ever lose more than 1% in a day. Compare that to stocks where individual companies can see 50% of their stock price wiped away in a day, and where 5-10% can be wiped off the entire market in a week! The currency markets, on the other hand, are crash proof. In essence, they are a zero-sum game.

If one currency falls, another must rise. You'll experience no Meltdown Mondays or Panic Fridays in the FOREX market. While individual currencies can crash, these crashes are easy to spot...and in fact, it's at these times that you can make explosive profits.

  • So Much Easier to Play than Stocks! While there are tens of thousands of securities to choose from, there are only 175 major currencies. And even if you are lucky enough to find a stock or a sector that looks promising these days - there are still so many uncalculated risks one needs to be wary of. Corporate corruption. Shady accounting practices. Rogue CEOs. New technological risks. Commodity risks. Overwhelming competition. And too many other risks, that it's impossible for any one person to calculate them all. Currencies on the other hand are easy to follow and easy to read - despite what the experts might have you believe. By playing the currency markets, you can say goodbye to the infinite complexities and risks of the broader market – and enter a whole new trading universe.

The Currency Market's Greatest Secret
One of the most widely proliferated myths surrounding currency trading is that it is a very risky game and far too complicated for the average investor, and that it should only be left to the professionals. But nothing could be further from the truth. And it's this kind of herd mentality that may get a lot of investors into serious trouble in the years ahead. In fact, it's risky not to be invested in foreign currencies, and it's risky not to follow them ... While short-term currency trading can be highly risky, that's not what I'm talking about here.

I'm talking about currencies for the long run.
Despite what the traders on TV might have you believe, there's no simpler, surer game in global markets.
While short-term currency movements are extremely difficult to predict, long-term movements are the exact opposite. And while traders and bank analysts on TV may offer up all manner of excuses why a currency moved the way it did i.e. oil price spikes, turmoil in the Middle East, Central bank intervention, soaring deficits etc. - you can forget all that! It's just white noise. .

Currencies are 'The Gold of the New Wild West'
Currency markets boast one major advantage that sets them apart from all other markets on Earth today. While currencies may have been traded for over 4,000 years - as an asset class - they have been overlooked! Most people still see currencies as an external threat, and one that lies beyond their reach and control. It is largely only central banks, Fortune 500 companies, the billionaires and professional traders that participate in the enormous $2.3 trillion-a-day currency markets. And only a small portion of this volume is made up of speculators trading for profits. The rest is merely day-to-day transactions from business-to-business and bank-to-bank.
The masses on the other hand have ignored currency markets. Slighted them. Even feared them! This has rewarded the bold players who have marched into them extraordinary opportunities to profit.

They are venturing across uncharted trading territory that is saturated with gold.

Yet where are the prospectors? They are all in stocks chasing the next big thing. While there are over 90 million stock market investors in the U.S. today, by comparison there are only a handful of currency traders.

Stocks, historically, have been looked upon as the ultimate path to riches. The end-all, be-all. For over two centuries, they have been analyzed, charted, studied, torn apart and put back together. Tens of thousands of economists have dissected them. Thousands of important books have been written about them. Billions of man-hours have been devoted to unlocking the secrets of the securities markets.

This means that stocks are well understood. The punters know how to evaluate them. Wall Street and Main Street are ripe with opinions on what's cheap, and what's not, what's hot, and what's not. Yet ask them about currencies, and they wouldn't have a clue.
While thousands of books have been written about stocks, only a hand-full have been written about currencies. Few have analyzed them. Few have traded them. And because very few punters know how to value a currency, they tend to get completely out of whack with their true valuations. It's because the traders don't understand the fundamentals, so all they have left to act on is their own emotions.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Solar Breakthrough

This not NEW news but most people have not heard about this breakthrough in solar technology. This article gives us a sense of where this industry is headed.

In a scientific breakthrough that has stunned the world, a team of South African scientists has developed a revolutionary new, highly efficient solar power technology that will enable homes to obtain all their electricity from the sun.This means high electricity bills and frequent power failures could soon be a thing of the past.The unique South African-developed solar panels will make it possible for houses to become completely self-sufficient for energy supplies. The panels are able to generate enough energy to run stoves, geysers, lights, TVs, fridges, computers - in short all the mod-cons of the modern house.

Read more here...

I will post this link in the Technology section of this blog.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Amity Funds DDOS Attack

In some regions of the world you may not be able to access the Amity Funds website.

They had a serious DDOS hacker attack. See below for details...

The following message is fom Amityfunds and is posted on the website. If you cannot access the website, try https://amityfunds.com

DDOS Attack - Published 17.06.2007

As many of you already know, the site was hit by a serious DDOS attack that started Monday. We have tried several ways to stop it, but the attack was so heavy it made everything crash.

In some regions in the world the site is still offline, but we are working to solve the problem.
The HYVUM is temporary taken off, as it seems like there is some damage there.

We are doing our best to solve this issue.

All programs are running as normal, and we will start to process withdrawals as soon we have checked everything for errors.
In this period we will process withdrawals daily.

There is also some changes to be made to the site, meaning it will go more private, with signup links only in the backoffice of each member.

We will get back with further info on this later, now we are focusing on getting everything up and running as normal again.
Please remark that the support may be slow during this period. At the moment we have no working e-mails.

Best regards
Amityfunds Support

Several members who have not met me in person yet have asked to see me in my 'work' environment.

So, here ya go!

Here I am working away in my office. I have since moved offices but this is the atmosphere in the cockpit.

This is after getting a little Feng Shui work done with my business consultant!
Much better!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

More FX Facts

No Short Selling Restrictions

Forex trading always involves buying one currency and selling another, so traders can easily trade in a rising or falling market. There is no Zero Uptick rule or any other restriction against shorting a currency.

At $1.9 Trillion Per Day, Forex is the Largest, Most Liquid Market in the World

The sheer volume of Forex facilitates price stability, with less slippage. What's more, almost 90% of all currency transactions involve the 7 major currency pairs. As a result, these currencies exhibit smooth trends and enjoy the tightest dealing spreads and highest level of liquidity.

Trade on Your Schedule; Respond to Changes in the Market Immediately

Forex is a true 24-hour market, open continuously from 5:00pm ET on Sunday to 5:00 pm on Friday. With three distinct trading sessions in the US, Europe and Asia, you can trade on your own schedule and respond to breaking news immediately.

Keep 100% of Your Trading Profits

FOREX.com charges no commissions or transaction fees, while still offering free access to real-time quotes, news, charts, research, and more. Also, dealing spreads as low as 3 pips (.0003) are available in currency trading. Even at a penny ($.01), the bid/ask on a stock trade is 30x wider, in addition to the brokerage commission. The cost of trading is built into the bid/ask spread found in all financial products.

Control Up to 400:1 Leverage

With more buying power, you can increase your total return on investment with less cash outlay. For example, with $1,000 cash in a margin account that allows 400:1 leverage (1%), you can control up to $400,000 in notional value. Of course, trading on margin magnifies both your profits and your losses.

You can find more information on this at http://www.5minforex.com

How to Run Your Car on Sea Water

Here is what someone stumbled upon.

Fire Water...

C Fund Conference Call Tonight

There will be a conference call on the C Fund, the number one managed FOREX fund in our portfolio.

It is a hedged fund which minimizes risk and maximizes gains. Returns have been historically outstanding.

If you would like to be on this call you first need to request information on the C Fund.

Just send a blank e-mail to admin@offshoreprofessional.com with 'C Fund Info' in the SUBJECT.

Be on the call. You will find it very very interesting what this trading system can do.

Saturday, June 09, 2007


1. FOREX has only been available to the public since 1997. Before that only banks, corporations, and high net worth individuals could trade FOREX. The general public is still in the dark on the potential and attractiveness of FOREX over stocks, bonds, options, mutual funds, and more. Few are yet aware of the FOREX Market and its potential for high profit with minimal risk to capital.

2. FOREX is the only market that is 24 hours a day 6 days a week.

2. The FOREX industry is a 2 TRILLION DOLLAR per day market that oddly enough hardly anyone has yet heard about. Compare this to the approximately 30 Billion NY Stock Exchange and you may grasp the size of this growing market.

3. The FOREX Market is leveraged up to 100:1 and 200:1 on a mini account as compared to 2:1 in the Stock Market. 400:1 is offered to anyone trading the FreedomRocks hedging methodology as the higher leverage is actually safer with this style of trading. In fact, FXCM now offers 400:1 to FreedomRocks traders ONLY and up to 1 MILLION USD. This is unheard of in the FX retail industry and should cause traders to pay attention to this methodology. Learn more of this system by going to: www.tradefreedomrocks.com/forextrader

4. There is virtually no slippage in FOREX trading. The price you choose is the price you get.

5. FOREX is the most liquid market in the world. You won't get stuck with WorldCom and Enron stocks in this market.

6. FOREX is not correlated to the stock market. Market crashes do not necessarily affect Forex traders adversely. Actually, it often means profit taking opportunities are greater.

7. The FOREX market is transparent and decentralized. The backbone of the FOREX market consists of a global network of dealers. Not being centralized in one location like a NY Stock Exchange it is less vulnerable to disruptions should another 9/11 type event occur. Informed traders are also safer traders. It is much more difficult to manipulate the price of a country's currency compared to stocks and other investments susceptible to insider information and corruption.

8. FOREX trading allows you to profit is rising markets and in falling markets. It doesn't matter where the market goes as long as it goes somewhere.

9. FOREX has extremely low transaction costs unlike other trading options. After you pay the initial spread to get into trade the rest is yours to keep.

10. No one can corner the FOREX market. It is just too big. Institutional influence is minimal and ineffectual which means trends can be relied on more than in other markets.

11. Hedging the FOREX market with a system that works is far safer and more effective than directional trader where 95% of traders fail in their first 60 days. FreedomRocks FX Hedging is the premier system for hedging and can be learned in hours not months and years.

For more details view the 10 minute movie here:

C Fund Conference Call

There will be a conference call on the C Fund, the number one managed FOREX fund in our portfolio. It is a hedged fund minimizing risk. Returns have been historically outstanding. If you would like to be on this call you first need to request information on the C Fund. Just send a blank e-mail to admin@offshoreprofessional.com with 'C Fund Info' in the SUBJECT.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Amity Funds Performance

The overall results and history of the Amity Funds Loan Programs are published in the back office. Results are published daily in easy to understand graphs & lists.

I have been impressed so far with the track record, returns, and professional approach of these people. They state very clearly that on some of their funds it is possible to lose all of your principal. High risk, high return. However, so far the small daily compounding amounts enable you to pull your principal in a short period of time thereby allowing your returns to compound and reducing your risk exposure considerably.

They have only one vehicle where the principal is guaranteed and the per annum return is more conservative. Personal telephone support is available for clients who are invested at the higher levels.

They prefer you to use the Hatfield Oak products but it is no longer a requirement.

Registration Page (free to join): https://www.amityfunds.com/products/registeruser.php?refno=77141862
Movie Page: https://www.amityfunds.com/products/movie.php?refno=77141862

The movie above is in several languages including: Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish, English, German, Hindi, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, and Thai.

FreedomRocks is about 100% control. Amity Funds is different. You are relying on someone else to do the trading for you. But, if you would like to diversify your high risk/high yield portfolio Amity is a viable option.