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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Winston Shrout

I don't know much about Winston Shrout and have not attended his seminars. But, after talking to someone who has studied him in detail I felt this had to be added to the blog links as a resource.

If you are interested in upcoming seminars on 'commerce' and what this means in your life click on the link below:


I have put a link in the left menu under Beyond the Matrix, formerly Natural Person Theory.

The reason I changed the category title is that Winston goes beyond the idea of a natural person to such an extent that the term would no longer be appropriate.

What I learned is that the term 'natural person' idea is kind of misnomer.

Since a 'person' is a legal fiction created for the world of commerce how can you be a 'natural artifical creation'? Interesting thought.

When you were born did your mother say "Wow, I just made a 'person'?"

Your mother sees you as baby, daughter, son. Becoming is a 'person' is a function of participating in commerce. Interesting!

Expect Winston to stretch your thinking even if you don't buy their whole view on life and how to function in society.

You will at least be fascinated about how our society and its conventions is largely based on rules of commerce and much less on law.

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