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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Robert Kiyosaki's Predictions for 2008

Kiyosaki 2008 EconomicPredictions

(10 mins)

Highlights: Rental real estate is where the money is. Oil going up. Dollar down. However, US viewed as a bargain. Canadians and Asians going in to buy and the market corrects. Housing is going crazy in OTHER countries driving up commodity prices. Value going down but replacemnt costs going up. So, hold. Property flippers will take a bath in this market. Replacement costs going up. So, if good cash flow is there you will do well.

(9 mins)

Highlights: Rentals will be hot. Rens going up, house prices going down. Buy and hold with good cash flow rentals. People have to have a house. Fundamentals are strong in that sense. Decline of the dollar causing problems but buying real estate still good. Lots of supply in some areas and dropping demand. These areas will come out of the slump but there will be bargains in the meantime.

(6 mins)

Highlights: Australia is booming. Canadians and Australians heading to the USA for the bargains.

(26 mins)

Highlights: Interesting discussion of money, gold, and silver...says savers and spenders (middle class) will be wiped out in the coming market. Those without cashflow will see major crash. His Mantra 'cash is trash' and will be able to buy a home for 8k in silver! Cash will get you very little. Smart money is in apartment blocks and rentals.

Consider buying some SILVER! :)

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