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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

$.510 Vote Can End Food Freedom Forever

$.510 Vote Can End Food Freedom Forever Unless We Stop the Industrialization of Food Through Our Push Back!
URGENT: Take the UPDATED Action Item (AGAIN or For the First Time)
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation wish you peace, joy, prosperity and health this Thanksgiving.  We wish you something more: Freedom.

Henry Kissinger famously said "Control oil and you control the nations; control food and you control the people" That is precisely what is at stake.  Imagine: an America in which a 6 year old child is busted for selling lemonaide!  We have already arrived there.
Search "6 year old busted lemonaide" and you will find dozens of times that it's already happened.  Search "Farmer's Market Raided" and you will find hundreds of examples.  "Organic Coop Raided"? Hundreds.  "Raw Milk Seized"?  Even more.  And that's BEFORE $.510.  

What will it be like AFTER $.510, Big Agribiz/Big Biotech/Big Chema are eager to help you find out.  It is widely believed that Monsanto's Michael Taylor (Obama's "Food Safety" Czar) wrote this horrific legislation.  It gives the Uber Cartel virtually everything they can ask for: total control of the market, elimination of all competition, a lap dog regulatory agency to do its bidding and whitewash the whited supulchur created for it by this disastrous law, the legal (but not lawful) means to stifle dissent with bogus charges like "food smuggling" to keep people from growing their own food and "smuggling" it into the US Corporation, that boundariless "State" which the US has become, and criminalize literally anything or any activity that gets in its way.
Is that what you want?  Well, it is exactly what the Senate of the United States is ready to hand to that generous, open-handed (at least to them!) Uber Cartel which bribes and controls them so that the US Senate is ready to do their bidding.  
I do not know about you, but I am ready for the Senate to do MY bidding.  They work for ME and it is their responsibility to protect and extend MY freedoms, not those of their corporate donors. 

Secret: the Senators to whom we are sending these emails in such large numbers do not read them.  But they tally them! That's what counts.  Give them something serious to tally.  Let's add another 250,000 emails to the ones we have already sent and make it a round million.
With group after group (we've lost count of how many now) taking action, writing what we have written (often just cutting and pasting from our blasts), the Senate is being beseiged, which is exactly what we want.  
So give thanksgiving for the fact that you still have the internet, still have the right to beseige your Senators and do it.  Now.  Then do it again for each member of your household.  And then write to everyone you can reach, call talk show hosts, write letters to the Editor and urge EVERYONE to click the freedom mouse over and over and over between now and the moment when we either save our country, our freedom, our food and, ultimately, our lives, or we do not.
There is no one else to whom the choice belongs.  It truly belongs to you and you alone.  Choose well.
URGENT: Take the UPDATED Action Item (AGAIN or For the First Time)
Here is the history of the past few weeks

URGENT: Take the UPDATED Action Item (AGAIN or For the First Time)

PLEASE contact your Senators at their home State offices... or if you know them, call them at home or talk to them over the Thanksgiving Table. Let them know that a vast and growing transpartisan alliance of health & food freedom advocates, framers, ranchers, gardeners, tea partiers and others have sent millions of messages to Congress:

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