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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

35,000 Cancer Cases Cured

All forms of cancer can be cured within 2-6 weeks according to this doctor.

I think this video will be very eye opening for anyone touched by that collection of symptoms the medical profession calls cancer.


The interesting thing to note is that there is no ONE approach that works. Like in Chinese Traditional Medicine each person exhibits a unique pattern with unique causes. These patterns and causes need correcting and will be individual to each person. That is why one treatment works for some and not for others.

There are commonalities of course. But, each case will be different in many ways.

It is also important to note that there is no scientific evidence that supports the claim that convential chemotherapy and radiation therapy cure cancer. It is actually the opposite. Both actually CAUSE cancer. Most people are aware of that. That is why you don't want to live next to a mustard gas plant or nuclear power station, right?

Watch this and be prepared to alter your view on cancer forever:

Remember the cancer industry is an INDUSTRY and the objective is PROFIT not health regardless of how well intentioned and selfless many medical practitioners are. They still serve the multi-nationals and are educated by them. They are their masters and are caught between server their master, the corporation, and their patients who they truly want to help in most cases.

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