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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

30,000 scientists sue Al Gore??

I really think that the global warming needs some open debate. Regardless of whether it is human caused or not it has certainly fueled the search for new and cleaner technologies, and sustainable technologies. So, in a sense it is having a good impact and these advances in environmental technologies and applications should be continued even if climate change is not human caused. 
In any case, stifling dissent is not a good thing. I am for freedom of expression even if the viewpoint may go against the prevailing opinions especially if it is 30,000 scientists.

$.510 Vote Can End Food Freedom Forever

$.510 Vote Can End Food Freedom Forever Unless We Stop the Industrialization of Food Through Our Push Back!
URGENT: Take the UPDATED Action Item (AGAIN or For the First Time)
The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation wish you peace, joy, prosperity and health this Thanksgiving.  We wish you something more: Freedom.

Henry Kissinger famously said "Control oil and you control the nations; control food and you control the people" That is precisely what is at stake.  Imagine: an America in which a 6 year old child is busted for selling lemonaide!  We have already arrived there.
Search "6 year old busted lemonaide" and you will find dozens of times that it's already happened.  Search "Farmer's Market Raided" and you will find hundreds of examples.  "Organic Coop Raided"? Hundreds.  "Raw Milk Seized"?  Even more.  And that's BEFORE $.510.  

What will it be like AFTER $.510, Big Agribiz/Big Biotech/Big Chema are eager to help you find out.  It is widely believed that Monsanto's Michael Taylor (Obama's "Food Safety" Czar) wrote this horrific legislation.  It gives the Uber Cartel virtually everything they can ask for: total control of the market, elimination of all competition, a lap dog regulatory agency to do its bidding and whitewash the whited supulchur created for it by this disastrous law, the legal (but not lawful) means to stifle dissent with bogus charges like "food smuggling" to keep people from growing their own food and "smuggling" it into the US Corporation, that boundariless "State" which the US has become, and criminalize literally anything or any activity that gets in its way.
Is that what you want?  Well, it is exactly what the Senate of the United States is ready to hand to that generous, open-handed (at least to them!) Uber Cartel which bribes and controls them so that the US Senate is ready to do their bidding.  
I do not know about you, but I am ready for the Senate to do MY bidding.  They work for ME and it is their responsibility to protect and extend MY freedoms, not those of their corporate donors. 

Secret: the Senators to whom we are sending these emails in such large numbers do not read them.  But they tally them! That's what counts.  Give them something serious to tally.  Let's add another 250,000 emails to the ones we have already sent and make it a round million.
With group after group (we've lost count of how many now) taking action, writing what we have written (often just cutting and pasting from our blasts), the Senate is being beseiged, which is exactly what we want.  
So give thanksgiving for the fact that you still have the internet, still have the right to beseige your Senators and do it.  Now.  Then do it again for each member of your household.  And then write to everyone you can reach, call talk show hosts, write letters to the Editor and urge EVERYONE to click the freedom mouse over and over and over between now and the moment when we either save our country, our freedom, our food and, ultimately, our lives, or we do not.
There is no one else to whom the choice belongs.  It truly belongs to you and you alone.  Choose well.
URGENT: Take the UPDATED Action Item (AGAIN or For the First Time)
Here is the history of the past few weeks

URGENT: Take the UPDATED Action Item (AGAIN or For the First Time)

PLEASE contact your Senators at their home State offices... or if you know them, call them at home or talk to them over the Thanksgiving Table. Let them know that a vast and growing transpartisan alliance of health & food freedom advocates, framers, ranchers, gardeners, tea partiers and others have sent millions of messages to Congress:

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Gold standard?

The president of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick, wrote yesterday in a Financial Times article that leading world economies should consider “employing gold as an international reference point of market expectations about inflation, deflation and future currency values.”

Some believe this COULD lead to a confiscation of gold bullion and coins in the US. Be careful. I suggest considering getting gold in smaller denominations and holding it in storage. Learn more about that here: http://www.twelfth-step.com/kbgold.html 

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Could gold go to $15,000 an Ounce? Some think so...

The small group of gold enthusiasts who started out few in numbers a few years back has made a parabolic move over the past year or so much like their projections for the future price of gold. They now number an unbelievable 108 who have stated, with sound reasons in their opinions, why gold could quite possibly go to a parabolic top of at least $2,500 an ounce – to even as much as an unimaginable $15,000 – before the bubble finally pops! In fact, the majority (65) maintain that $5,000 or more for gold is likely.

In this article I identify the economists, academics, analysts and financial writers who hold such a lofty opinion of the prospects for gold and provide the URLs of their articles so you can ascertain for yourself their logic for such parabolic moves in the years to come.

Click HERE to read the whole article...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

More Hilarity

I had to post this tongue in cheek response from my dad in Australia!

After reading the last post on vaccines he says:


My name is Allen Nash, an eighty year old who has been vaccinated at least 75 times in my life. I have been on flu shots for the last 20 years, and as yet have not died, nor caught the flu, and at 80 am hale and hearty.

But thanks for your advice and information anyway. 


Allen Nash

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Friend of Health Freedom Writes to Diane Feinstein...

 Sometimes Health Freedom Is Just Plain Hilarious!

A good friend of health freedom wrote to Diane Feinstein (D CA) about his flu vaccine concerns.  He received the predictable form letter containing such idiocy as ...

"Several studies have been conducted, by the CDC and other agencies, in response to concerns that thimerosal, a mercury-containing component of the influenza vaccine, is linked to autism.  These studies did not find such a link, noting that the amount of thimerosal in the vaccine was too low to have an effect.  One study found that, even after thimerosal was removed from vaccines in Denmark, the rate of autism in children continued to rise.
The influenza vaccine is the safest, most effective method of preventing the spread of a disease which, according to the CDC, leads to an average of 36,000 deaths each year.  Please know that I will keep your thoughts in mind should legislation regarding the influenza vaccine come before the Senate.

        Sincerely yours,
         Dianne Feinstein
         United States Senator"

Our articulate friend wrote back to her a letter which I now share with you with thanks to him for his activism, his passion and his sharing of this exchange.

"Dear Diane,
         Thank you so much for your email regarding the use of the deadly mercury in the H1N1 vaccine and other injections given even to newborn babies with no regard to the long term neurological consequences and the damage that will be done to millions of families across our country and around the world.  I appreciate your need to do all you can for the reputation of the WTO, after their complete exposure as a fraudulent organization when they issued a pandemic alert of the highest level last year (level 6) in order to convince (or coerce) millions of people to take the toxic vaccines.
         I sympathize with you that the otherwise well-coordinated scam did not work, and the "pandemic" had to be canceled, with millions of unused injections sitting on the shelves, waiting for a pandemic to be created fast enough to use them before they have to be thrown away.  No one realizes how hard the poor drug dealers work with their government servants to pull off one of these global scams, and how much hard-extorted money they lose when one does not work.  Actually, though, since the government bought the injectable drugs from them, there is fortunately no loss to the drug dealers themselves, but only to the American public, since this was a taxpayer expense.
         As far as your reassurance that CDC and FDA have made sure these toxins are really good and healthy for us to inject into our bodies, thank you that makes me feel so much better.  I realize that as a busy senator, you have no spare time to waste on things like learning what the CDC and the FDA are, or that they are fully controlled by and take their orders from, the drug companies.  Later, when you are retired, perhaps you can take the time to study these things, instead of just repeating what you have been told.  If you eventually become honest, and perhaps develop a conscience, you will find that the current "health care" system, overseen and controlled by the respectable drug lords that you know as "pharmaceutical companies" has become the number two cause of death in American today (something like 750,000 deaths a year from "properly" used drugs).
         I look forward to the time you become interested in what good you could actually do for the people you are supposed to represent.  There is still time for you to drop the party and political nonsense, and take up humility, honesty, and a sincere interest in truth instead.  Millions of us are waiting for that time and wishing you well in getting there.
         In the meantime, if you ever develop any curiosity to see the real data on vaccines, take a look at:
 www.homefirst.com, and www.healthfreedomusa.org, and numerous others which are not connected to the vast "health care" drug machine.  The information is rock solid, science based, and will amaze you if you allow yourself to learn.
    [Name Redacted at Writer's Request]"

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rawesome Foods Raided

(NaturalNews) On June 30, 2010, a group of armed government agents from local, state, federal and even the Canadian government illegally trespassed on private property and raided Rawesome Foods, a private food buying club in Venice, California. With guns drawn, these agents tore through the property stealing computers, raw dairy products and honey, all while holding some of the volunteer workers hostage for several hours. When the agents finally left, they took with them thousands of dollars in private property as well as the surveillance footage of their armed rampage.

Sounds like a scene out of a horror movie, right? Except this actually happened, though unless you're tuned in to the health freedom movement, you've probably heard nothing about it. Most of the mainstream media outlets would never touch a story like this because it exposes just how tyrannical and out of control our government has become on issues like raw milk and food freedom.

Many of the details in this story haven't been published before. Read the full article at:

Do Drug Firm Bribery Charges Implicate the U.S. FDA?

How can anyone have implicit faith in the science and products produced by BIG Pharma when The Wall Street Journal on October 5, 2010 featured the article “Drug Firms Face Bribery Probe” by Michael Rothfeld?
That question automatically should be followed with, “Will those charges also implicate the U.S. FDA?” Not knowing all the facts, but being of a suspicious nature, I’d say anything is possible given the long-term revolving door policy that seems to exist within government agencies, Big Pharma, and the chemical industry. This is where the U.S. Congress, in my opinion, has been—and continues to be—remiss in its oversight duties.
If one studies pharmaceutical demographics, as I have for years, one readily realizes that starting in the 1980s, Big Pharma companies began their push and drive to manage healthcare via their products by using what many feel are scare tactics in media advertising and unreliable science—something that the FDA apparently condones and even seems to parrot.

Read all HERE

Dr. Horowitz Exposes Dr. Oz H1N1 Fraud

"The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead." -- Aristotle

A typical example of Dr. Horowitz's razor sharp encyclopedic knowledge & understanding...

(in the process of exposing this Dr Oz as bought and paid for...)




and read up on all the related links there in your spare time...

This could be about saving someone's life. So, please 'Like' it on YouTube IF you like it and and hit the share buttons to get this out. More people need to wake up to the Medical Mafia and their machinations.


In 2009, after becoming the first doctor in the world to charge the World Health Organization with fraud in the Swine Flu "manufactured pandemic," Dr. Leonard Horowitz learned of an organized plan to assassinate him. He, along with investigative journalist, Sherri Kane, then exposed the agents and agencies responsible for the murder plot.

This historic show explains why Horowitz, and his natural healing recommendations, represent the greatest threat to established medicine, and its satanic directors, in HISTORY.

Brief Bio:

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz is an internationally known authority in the overlapping fields of public health, behavioral science, emerging diseases, and natural healing. He began his career as an anatomy instructor and researcher on the faculties of Tufts and Harvard Universities, respectively; becoming a dentist, periodontal surgeon, behavioral scientist, award-winning film-maker and author of 16 books on the risks of medicine versus benefits of natural healing.  (See "Career Highlights") below.

This Coast-to-Coast Special Tells It ALL. . . .

Dr. Horowitz is expected to discuss:
Hour 1: 10-11PM PST, Tuesday Night, Oct. 19, 2010
1)    The medical establishment's greatest weakness;
2)    Why the vaccination paradigm is dangerously flawed;
3)    Why he views modern medicine as "barbaric;"
4)    What made Dr. H. believe the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic a fraud;
5)    Why Dr. Horowitz latest film, PharmaWhores: The SHOWTIME Sting of Penn & Teller, in which conflicting interests between drug-makers and the most powerful media moguls are featured, prompted a CIA/FBI "COINTELPRO" assassination plot against his life;
6)    Who is really behind the plot to assassinate Horowitz?
7)    What lessons can be learned from exposing those responsible for assassinating journalists, especially independent journalists.

Hour 2: 11PM-12AM PST, Tuesday Night/Wednesday Morning, Oct. 19/20, 2010
8)    Dr. Horowitz's plan for bringing people together worldwide as the antidote to the trouble-makers.
9)    Dr. Horowitz's celebration of Healthy World Organization, a alternative to the corrupt World Health Organization, and a support store cooperative, HealthyWorldAffiliates.com.
10)  The doctor's " 5-Steps" for natural, even "miraculous," healing.
11)   The sacredness of water, why it is essential for natural healing, and what kind of water to drink
12)   Natural remedies, herbs, vitamins, even silver products are being increasingly regulated, and access to these products is being increasingly restricted. What you can do about this?
13)  Why replace toxic antibiotics and risky vaccinations with simple mineral water, OxySilver, resonating with 528Hz frequency.

Hour 3: 12AM-1AM PST, /Wednesday Morning, Oct. 20, 2010
14) What people need that government health care never provides.

15) Why the future of medicine lies in "hydrosonic science."
16) How DNA functions in natural healing through hydro-creationism.
17) Explaining "miraculous healings" in terms of electrogenetics, hydrocreationism, or what the religious world calls the power of the Holy Spirit to cure you.
18) Evidence for the "Spiritual Renaissance" unfolding to heal people and our planet, naturally, and how this is changing established medicine.
19)   How to more fully engage the "Spiritual Renaissance."
20)  The three keys to gaining spiritual protection.
21)  Knowing, and celebrating, the greatest secreted truth in history.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Pat Buchanan Is Wrong About Islam

by Fred Reed
Much hoorah, there is, over the mosque that may or may not be built in New York. I don't give a tinker's damn (whatever precisely that may be; I presume that tinkers' oaths were thought more efficacious than others) whether they build it or not. The matter does however put to rest for me any hope of rationality in human affairs. This, I grant, could be accomplished with a very small bed.

At this writing, the government's war for oil and AIPAC has more or less solidly metamorphosed, among the rubes at least, into a war against Islam. Men of thunder and portent peddle the notion like starving encyclopedia salesmen. No less a political howitzer than Pat Buchanan says that the mosque should not be built, because of the religious motivation of the Saudis who attacked the towers. His view has been eagerly received by the populace. Now it seems that yahoos at some fourth-grade church in Florida plan to burn a Koran to commemorate 9/11.

Splendid, this. We are telling 1.3 billion Moslems that America is not fighting Al Qaeda, or the Taliban, or Terror. No. It is Islam itself we hate. How very wise. This will make it so much easier to win hearts and minds in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Those security forces that GIs are supposed to be training - the ones with the AKs - they will know that their trainers are their enemies. Curiously, this is just what bin Laden tells them.

Glands again trump minds, if any. Consider that ten minutes before the first tower got hit in New York, the thought had occurred to practically no one in America that Islam constituted a mortal threat to all that we hold holy, chiefly chain restaurants and iPods. But Islam afterwards offered to fill this void that the Russians had wimped out on. For a brief period after the implosion of the Soviet Union, Americans had no threat to worry about. They found it deeply puzzling. Weren't we supposed to be afraid of something? It didn't feel right.

Then came New York, and suddenly we saw it: The Clash of Civilizations. Islam was out to get us. Why hadn't we noticed? A roaring hatred for Moslems sprang up from people who had never met a Moslem, who had a garden slug's grasp of history. A deep satisfaction came over the land. We had been made whole again.

Battling Mohammedans quickly became an industry. The government at first tried to peddle Terrorism as the enemy, not Islam, but it didn't stick. Something more robustly flackable was wanted.

I find Buchanan, of the American Conservative, proclaiming that Islam is a Culture of Jihad, and most militant. No doubt. Very. Would it be poltroonish of me to note that just now Christian armies are busily annexing and wrecking Afghanistan and Iraq, having recently bombed Somalia? That they use robotic aircraft to murder Yemenis, that they hunt down Moslems in the Philippines (where after 1898 Americans engaged in atrocities that would win the admiration of the Japanese), encourage Israel to ruin Lebanon and to run a concentration camp for Moslems in Gaza, enthusiastically murder Pakistanis from the sky, and threaten Syria and Iran?

Those Moslems. Militant, they are. The bastards.

The Islamic countries listed above are only those currently attacked by America. Let us look at the matter in another way. I append here a list of all Christian countries conquered by militant Moslems since 1529:

Next, a partial list of Moslem countries conquered by Christians: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq (the first time), Iraq (again), Iran, Pakistan, East Pakistan, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Oman, Abu Dhabi, Dubai....

This list does not include such minor Christian conquests as North, South, and Central America, India, China, Southeast Asia, black Africa, and such. Unconscionable, Moslem aggressiveness is.

Buchanan regards the events of 9/11 as no end grievous. So do I. Yet perhaps people who live in glass pots and kettles shouldn't call names. The UN's figures give 600,000 Iraqi children dead because of the American embargo, which didn't allow, for example, chlorine to sterilize water. This is equivalent to 6.4 million dead children in the United States. Hmmm: If Moslems had killed this trifling number of our sprats, might we wax grumpish?

Yes, I know, the UN is a commie Marxist socialist anti-American conspiracy, and not as trustworthy as the American propaganda apparatus. All right. Let's assume that the UN lied by a factor of ten, and thus only 60,000 Iraqi children died thanks to us. Thus, if 3,000 Americans died in New York, we owe the Moslems some 57,000. No?

If I may sally briefly into unloved seriousness: What puzzles me, as one who has lived extensively abroad, is how little Americans are able to see things through the eyes of others, how little empathy they have (this latter defect being characteristic of both psychopaths and narcissists).

Consider a headline from Antiwar.com of a sort appearing almost daily: "US Drone Strike Destroys House Full of Children in Pakistan."

Apparently no one in the Great Rubber Room north of Mexico has an inkling why this might arouse hatred in Pakistanis. Can you imagine the fury that would ensue if a Moslem blew up a house full of American kids in, say, Queens? But when we kill their kids, no one cares. "Yeah, well. Tough. Giv'em a few dollars." Buncha dirty raghead larvae. No better than cockroaches, right?

Now, we're going to have a pop quiz. Take out a sheet of paper. Question: Can you think of any reason why Moslems might be unhappy with America?
Right! They hate our freedoms.

In which case they daily have less to hate us for.

It doesn't pay to underestimate an enemy, I hear. All right: Moslems are so very dangerous not just because of their many extremist groups - Salamists, Al Sushis, the Falafel, and the Wasabi for example - but because of their immense industrial strength, which doesn't exist. With the possible exception of Turkey, not one Islamic nation is in the First World. I picture bearded, turbaned warriors wading ashore on aquatic camels, causing no end of panic in Atlantic City. I mean, what do camels eat?

The horror.

Herewith a searing insight for the ever-puzzled State Department: Actions have consequences. If you support Batista, you will engender Fidel. If you support the Shah, you will get Khomeini. If you attack Moslems, you will get bin Laden. It might be better to stay home and read a book.

September 9, 2010

Fred Reed is author of Nekkid in Austin: Drop Your Inner Child Down a Well and A Brass Pole in Bangkok: A Thing I Aspire to Be. His latest book is Curmudgeing Through Paradise: Reports from a Fractal Dung Beetle. Visit his blog.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Chem Trails Demystified

Chemtrails Demystified by and Insider.

Very Interesting Interview with AC Griffith...

Listen especially to Part 3,  Something to be aware of....

Aerosol crime is also known as chem trails as distinguished from con trails. 
This is an insider's perspective on the program. It is must listen and will make you look at the skies a lot differently after this interview. 

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Apple Spyware

Steve Jobs Is Watching You:

Apple Seeking to Patent Spyware Deeplink

It looks like Apple, Inc., is exploring a new business opportunity:
spyware and what we're calling "traitorware."  While users were
celebrating the new jailbreaking and unlocking exemptions, Apple was
quietly preparing to apply for a patent on technology that, among
other things, would allow Apple to identify and punish users who take
advantage of those exemptions or otherwise tinker with their devices.
This patent application does nothing short of providing a roadmap for
how Apple can, and presumably will, spy on its customers and control
the way its customers use Apple products. As Sony-BMG learned, spying
on your customers is bad for business. And the kind of spying enabled
here is especially creepy, it's not just spyware, it's "traitorware,"
since it is designed to allow Apple to retaliate against you if you do
something Apple doesn't like.

Essentially, Apple's patent provides for a device to investigate a
user's identity, ostensibly to determine if and when that user is
"unauthorized," or, in other words, stolen.  More specifically, the
technology would allow Apple to record the voice of the device's user,
take a photo of the device's user's current location or even detect
and record the heartbeat of the device's user.  Once an unauthorized
user is identified, Apple could wipe the device and remotely store the
user's "sensitive data."  Apple's patent application suggests it may
use the technology not just to limit "unauthorized" uses of its phones
but also shut down the phone if and when it has been stolen.

However, Apple's new technology would do much more. This patented
device enables Apple to secretly collect, store and potentially use
sensitive biometric information about you. This is dangerous in two
ways: First, it is far more than what is needed just to protect you
against a lost or stolen phone.  It's extremely privacy-invasive and
it puts you at great risk if Apple's data on you are compromised. But
it's not only the biometric data that are a concern. Second, Apple's
technology includes various types of usage monitoring, also very
privacy-invasive. This patented process could be used to retaliate
against you if you jailbreak or tinker with your device in ways that
Apple views as "unauthorized" even if it is perfectly legal under
copyright law.

Here's a sample of the kinds of information Apple plans to collect:
The system can take a picture of the user's face, "without a flash,
any noise, or any indication that a picture is being taken to prevent
the current user from knowing he is being photographed"; The system
can record the user's voice, whether or not a phone call is even being
made; The system can determine the user's unique individual heartbeat
"signature"; To determine if the device has been hacked, the device
can watch for "a sudden increase in memory usage of the electronic
device"; The user's "Internet activity can be monitored or any
communication packets that are served to the electronic device can be
recorded"; and The device can take a photograph of the surrounding
location to determine where it is being used.

In other words, Apple will know who you are, where you are, and what
you are doing and saying and even how fast your heart is beating. In
some embodiments of Apple's "invention," this information "can be
gathered every time the electronic device is turned on, unlocked, or
used." When an "unauthorized use" is detected, Apple can contact a
"responsible party." A "responsible party" may be the device's owner,
it may also be "proper authorities or the police."

Apple does not explain what it will do with all of this collected
information on its users, how long it will maintain this information,
how it will use this information, or if it will share this information
with other third parties.  We know based on long experience that if
Apple collects this information, law enforcement will come for it, and
may even order Apple to turn it on for reasons other than simply
returning a lost phone to its owner.

This patent is downright creepy and invasive, certainly far more than
would be needed to respond to the possible loss of a phone. Spyware,
and its new cousin traitorware, will hurt customers and companies
alike, Apple should shelve this idea before it backfires on both it
and its customers.

Author Unknown (please send if you know)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Note of Caution from Tony Robbins

This is a very important message from Tony Robbins.  It confirms much of what many in the know have been saying the last few months.  A good friend of mine shared this with and I thought you should hear this warning.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fluoride Poison...

Another good reason to get an alkalizing ionic water machine.

To think that only Canada, the US, Canada, and perhaps a few other countries are feeding toxic fluoride into the water supply while almost all of Europe does not allow it is quite interesting. Now they want to add this toxic industrial waste product to the Australian water system.

Very revealing facts you probably don't know about Fluoride and it is not JUST in your water.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Medical Truth?

PH Miracles...

How many more medical lies have to be perpetuated before we stand up for the truth? How many more people need to be poisoned with antibiotics, vaccinations and other cancer causing pharmaceuticals until we stand up and say "Enough!"? How many more children’s lives need to be destroyed before we take a stand? Please help save a life by passing this information on…

  • Harvard University and National Cancer Research Journals now confirm that ONE Aspirin or Tylenol each day will cause up to an 80% increased risk of Cancer and Heart Disease.
  • Take ONE 50 mg. pill of Vioxx for 5 days? A study undertaken two years ago showed that this increases the chances of getting coronary artery disease by 70%. Lancet Oct 5, 2002
  • A University of Washington study found that if you filled 25 or more prescriptions for antibiotics over 17 years, you double your risk of cancer (TIME, Dec. 6, 2004) This equates into taking less than ONE antibiotic each year, an activity in which almost every American participates.
  • Infants exposed to ONE single round of antibiotics during their first years of life are twice as likely to develop asthma as those who don’t. The more courses of antibiotics, the worse the immunity and the greater the risk of asthma. (Newsday, March 6, 2006)
  • Take ONE Benadryl for your allergies, and here are your possible side-effects: Difficulty breathing, closing of your throat, swelling of your lips, tongue, or face, hives, sleepiness, fatigue, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, difficulty urinating, enlarged prostate and a dramatic reduction in energy.
  • Take ONE aspirin per day? Daily aspirin intake shows a significantly increased risk of pancreatic cancer among women. This cancer is fatal 90% of the time. Source: American Association for Cancer Research, October 27, 2003
  • Take just ONE Crestor pill/day to lower your cholesterol? This drug has been shown to cause 75 times the level of kidney damage than other statin drugs. Public Citizen Oct 29, 2004
  • ONE vaccination can leave your child with brain damage or worse a form of Autism: Children are 27 times more likely to develop autism when exposed to vaccines containing mercury: Lori McIlwain, National Autism Association, (919) 272-8192/ Studies suggest that there is a link between neuro-developmental disorders, such as autism, and mercury exposure from thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines. Centers for Disease Control, Jan. 16, 2004.
  • Taking just ONE pain killer can cause death. There are over 16,500 deaths from NSAIDs (Pain Killers) each year in the hospitals alone. JAMA July 26, 2000 Vol. 284. Just as many die from AIDS each year!
  • Thinking of taking a cough suppressant or giving to your child just ONE time: cough suppressant is linked to Birth Defects: Dextromethorphan, the major ingredient in most OTC cough medicines, has been shown to cause birth defects. Source: Pediatric Research January 1998:43:1-7
  • Taking cold medications like Robitussin, Triaminic, PediaCare, Comtrex, etc. just ONE time can cause stroke, brain bleeding, and seizures. This year the F.D.A. completely banned these cold medications for adults and children, especially under the age of 6.
  • L. A. Times states: Antibiotics aren’t the answer to treating sinus infections: “The widespread use of standard antibiotics to treat sinus infections does not help cure patients and taking just ONE round may harm them by increasing their resistance to the drugs.
Below is more truth is it applies to some of the most commonly ingested pharmaceuticals in the world

1. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) use is the number-one reason for acute liver failure in the United States. It is also responsible for 8 percent to 10 percent of the end-stage renal disease in the U.S. The New England Journal of Medicine December 20, 2001; 345:1801-1808. Hepatology Volume 40, Issue 1, Pages 6 – 9. Published Online: 30 Jun 2004, American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.

2. In 2004, the American Academy of Pediatricians reversed its guidelines, pointing out that in more than 80 percent of the children with ear infections, symptoms would subside on their own, without the need for antibiotics.

3. DO NOT take antibiotics or any of the above drugs without the facts!

4. The flu shot and childhood vaccines can be deadly. We have been told to get flu shots that contain mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum and many other dangerous chemicals! Now according to the Vaccine Journal, they said, “flu vaccines offer no protection and have never saved any lives.” *Mercury!!! 2nd most dangerous substance on earth. Destroys the nervous system and immune system. Associated with Multiple Sclerosis, Central Nervous System Disorders, Autism and Alzheimer's Disease!*Ethylene glycol (antifreeze) Exposure to ethylene glycol can damage the kidneys, heart, and nervous system.*Phenol (disinfectant) Exposure to phenol can produce skin burns, liver damage, dark urine, irregular heartbeat, and even death.*Formaldehyde (known cancer causing agent) *Neomycin and Streptomycin (antibiotics) *Aluminum associated with Alzheimer's disease and seizures and also cancer producing in laboratory mice. Is this something you want to inject directly into your blood or your childr en’s?

5. The flu vaccine is manufactured to fight the flu from 2 years previous, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for this year’s flu vaccine to protect you against this year’s exact strain of circulating flu virus!

6. According to Hugh Fudenburg, MD, one of the world’s premier immunogeneticists, the chance of getting Alzheimer’s is ten times higher if an individual has had 5 consecutive flu shots(this is due to the Mercury). Dr. Fudenburg is the 13th most quoted biologist in the world today.

7. A British Medical Journal shows the medical profession to only be about 4% scientific. http://www.vet-task-force.com/CtiM.htm

“Our drugs don’t work.” Dr. Allen Roses, worldwide vice-president of Genetics at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Britain’s giant pharmaceutical company, acknowledged at a scientific meeting in London that fewer than half of the patients prescribed some of the most expensive drugs actually derived any benefit from them.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Real Goods on Water

Here is an amazing call by two medical professionals. One gave up her ionized water machine business to get the word out on ionized water and its benefits. As a representative there were things she could not say without the FTC coming down on her.
Now that she is independent and not a rep for ANY of the water machine companies out there now you can get the substantiated independent FACTS about this water.
She can now tell you a lot more than a distributor can tell you without be charged for practicing medicine without a license! This is a powerful and revealing call. Get the facts without bias and find out why ionized water is going to create a health revolution.

These people are selling nothing nor are they being bought by anyone. Rather, they are wanting to awaken people worldwide to the healing effects of this water. 
Have a listen, it could change your life...for the better. 

Monday, May 03, 2010

Curing Cancer with Baking Soda

Curing Cancer with Baking Soda:
 What MD’s and Naturopaths Don’t Know

by Gregory Delaney

Wouldn’t the delusional physicians and the big pharmacology swindlers be embarrassed to find that cancer could be cured with nothing more complicated than ordinary baking soda? Well, no, they wouldn’t be embarrassed because they would be outraged. All of their billions in profits vanishing in a twinkle, would not have these betrayers of Mankind at all happy with such a simple cancer cure. And yet, cancer can be cured with nothing more complicated than ordinary baking soda. And I will explain how.

While the greedy physicians and the cancer industry robber barons have been using every imaginable method for treating the symptoms of cancer, and while millions of people have suffered and died under the most astounding variety of mechanical, chemical, bio-technological and radiological absurdities, little progress in curing cancer has actually been made. And why? Well, to understand why, you would have to understand who is treating cancer before you can understand why it is not being cured. Who are these cancer physicians who claim to know so much yet fail to do anything useful?

Firstly, they are people who admit that they don’t know the cause of cancer or how to cure it. And yet they insist that they be allowed to “practice medicine” anyway! These oncologists admit that no matter what they do, you are going to die anyway, and so why not let them do something since they can make better use of your money than you can. Even though they admit that they don’t know what they are doing, they offer you just two (and only two) choices: (1) let them cut-poison-irradiate-and-transplant you which includes a free estimation of how long you will live or (2) do nothing at all which also includes a free, but much shorter, estimation of how long you will live. And so, with such limited choices, most people prefer to bequeath their savings account to the doctors for choice number one. At best, the physicians promise to drug you into unconsciousness so that you do not feel any pain either from your tumors or from their billing department.

But what happens if you don’t take their advice and choose alternative medicine, instead – you know, the choice that the doctors never mention to their patients? Since it has been proven that hospital patients live longer when the doctors go on strike, then alternative medicine is obviously better than a placebo. But they never mention that, either.

Secondly, these oncologists with all of their fancy degrees and years of microscopic confusion are really nothing more than disciples of fraud. This fraud is known as “symptomatic medicine”. And these cancer physicians prove their idiocy on a daily basis by classifying cancer as a “disease”. Would it be a joke on them if it was discovered that cancer really is not a disease at all but merely a “symptom” of something else? Hundreds of millions of dying cancer patients would certainly not be laughing. And millions of billionaire Big Pharma swindlers would not be laughing, either. Would it be a joke if it was discovered that cancer is not a disease at all and that these swindling greed-bags were actually mistaking the symptoms for the disease? I don’t think there would be much laughter in finding this to be true; but it is true. And here’s how this simple cure works.

The cancer quacks who are known as “modern physicians” (or oncology engineers), all know that there are many things that cause cancer. Does this ring a bell in their mighty brains? No, of course not. If there are many things that cause cancer, then how can cancer be classified as a disease? Isn’t it true, rather, that the many causative agents are the disease while the manifestations of tumors and malignancies are actually the symptom? This may seem strange but think about it a bit. And you alternative practitioners had better think about it a bit since the physicians have already proven that they are on the wrong track and haven’t thought about it enough.

If many things cause cancer (radiation, chemicals, viruses, sunlight, etc.) then even the dumbest physician knows enough to remove the primary cause. So, patients who work in the bright sun or in chemical factories are advised to avoid these situations. Hooray for the doctors who have common sense! But why are they so few?

Once you remove the primal cause, you are still left with a growing malignancy. (I am referring to the growing tumor and not to the doctors and the Big Pharma executives, themselves.) This cancerous growth has certain attributes that the idiot doctors overlook because they have been trained to use the most expensive methods possible for producing the largest possible profit for themselves and for their hospitals and for their drug suppliers. And after extracting all possible savings accounts, checking accounts, real property and insurance benefits, they send the dying patient home after saying, “We have done everything that we can do.” No, I don’t think many people will be laughing to discover that cancer can be cured with baking soda.

But even after the primary cause of the cancer is removed, why do the cancer cells keep growing? The doctors say because cancer is a disease. However, these practitioners of “symptomatic medicine” are mistaking the disease for the symptom. It is more accurate to say that the cancer is not the disease, itself, but is rather the symptom.

The maniac oncologists cut and radiate and poison and burn the cancer cells in an attempt to kill them. But the alternative practitioner prefers to let the powerful defenses of the body do all the work. And why? Because the body can take care of itself just fine as long as you provide it with what it needs to do the necessary healing. In this case, first remove the causative factors of cancer (such as the oncologists and Big Pharma robber barons) and then get to work on the underlying causes.

All cancer has some common denominators that the physicians think are inconsequential. But if you think about it a little bit, you will see that the oncologists are full of themselves and not full of knowledge. What they think is the disease, is actually the symptom. And what they think is inconsequential is actually the tiny, little cause for all of this suffering and disease. It’s a joke on the doctors, but nobody is laughing.

Here’s how it works. Normal cells that turn cancerous have specific jobs to do. Brain cells do brainy things, heart cells are on a bungee-jumper’s rush, liver cells strain today’s whiskey, kidney cells strain the beer and save the water, bladder cells hold the nasty stuff that the others strain, and skin cells enjoy a good suntan on a summer day. They all do different jobs. But when they turn cancerous, they throw all of that specialization aside.

Cancer cells do not evolve; they devolve. They do not perform the task specified in the blueprints of DNA, but they rebel and go it alone. Cancer cells give up being a high level technical worker in the body and become instead the lowest form of life. Worse than any truant teenager – all they do all day is eat, excrete, reproduce and do it all while holding their breath. While holding their breath? What is this little detail that is overlooked by the oncologists?

That’s right. Cancer cells don’t require a lot of oxygen to live. In fact, it is this low oxygen level that allows them to thrive. Or to put it in a way that even a physician can understand: Cancer cells become cancerous not because they are the disease but because they are normal cells reacting to the causative factors of disease. That is, cancer cells become cancer cells because they are normal cells that cannot live in any other way. They are following the First Commandment of Life: “Thou must live”. And in order for them to live, they must give up their specific functions in the body and devolve to a lower level of Life that is not so demanding of them. They become cancer cells in order to survive, not because they want to be cancer cells.

From this perspective you can say that cancer is normal. It is not a disease but rather it is the reaction of certain cells in the body to stress factors that cause these cells to choose de-evolution to a cancerous state as a means of cellular survival. They give up being highly advanced cells – brain, heart, liver, kidney, skin, etc. – and take a step downward to a lower function. They become cancerous as a survival strategy because nature only gives them this choice – or they must die. Cancer is the reaction of cells to various factors that will cause their death if they do not devolve to a lower, cancerous state.

Of course, the Big Pharma scoundrels and the physicians-for-hire want to “treat” cancer. Yes, they have devised a trillion “treatments” none of which do any good except to their bank accounts. There is a lot of money in “treatments”. You can talk about “treatments” for years. You can offer your customers … I mean, your “patients” … years and years of the latest and greatest of treatments. Treatments! Treatments! Treatments! Forever! And all of this time, while the victims are suffering and dying and giving the hospitals their last pennies in vain, the doctors can avoid ever, ever mentioning that most forbidden word of modern medicine – “cure”.  And why? Because if they actually cure anyone of cancer, then they can’t get them back for any more treatments!

And yet, cancer is easily cured with nothing more complicated than baking soda. But before telling you how this is done, I want to review something that the Johns Hopkins Hospital has stolen from the alternative medical professionals. They sent out a newsletter in 2007 that has also been circulated by the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Although their newsletter did not credit any alternative health practitioners or natural healing groups as to the source for their information, it was gratifying to see that what Naturopaths have been saying for over seventy years is finally being acknowledged by the swindlers of the Medical Monopoly. I will briefly review the main points of this newsletter below so that you Naturopathic Health experts and you idiots in the entrenched Medical Monopoly are all using the same language when you yell at each other.

All naturopaths already know these things but because it was new to the physicians and oncologists, here briefly is what the Johns Hopkins Hospital newsletter stated:

  1. “Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells.

  1. “Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk cancer cells are being starved.”

5.      “Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer.”

6.      “A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C).”

7.      Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer-fighting properties. Water – best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic. Avoid it.”

8.      “Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup.”

9.      Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

  1. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6 , Flor-ssence , Essiac , anti-oxidants , vitamins , minerals , EFAs, etc.) to enable the body's own killer cells to destroy cancer cells. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.”

  1. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment.

  1. “Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.”

And this ends the good advice that the Johns Hopkins Hospital tosses out … then forgets entirely about. Although they make some basic errors with their assertions because they don’t really understand natural nutrition, it does contain almost everything that naturopaths of all varieties have been practicing and teaching for many years. But it does not give credit where credit is due. The physicians purloin our knowledge and take it for their own discovery and then they bill their patients for the information that we freely give while pretending to be physicians of great learning. And so, let’s leave these medical maniacs and show how cancer is easily cured with nothing more than baking soda. You will need the above ten points to put the puzzle together. And I will leave you and the physicians to argue about the above data which they have plagiarized without fully understanding.

The newsletter makes much of the importance of avoiding acidic and seeking alkaline but they do not know how to put two-and-two together to make any sense out of the information that they have stolen from us. They do not understand the cheap and easy and effective Naturopathic Way because they follow the fraudulent and profitable and expensive way of symptomatic medicine.

One of the much-overlooked “minor” details of cancer cells is that they thrive in a low oxygen environment. When the body is not able to fully oxygenate, these cells must either die of asphyxiation and toxic build-up or they must devolve to a lower state of existence where they can live and grow without so much oxygen. They become cancerous because there is not enough oxygen for them to remain normally functioning.

In point #1, above, the physicians rightfully state that cancerous cells feed on sugar. Actually, all cells feed on glucose. They absolutely do not seem to understand the difference between what glucose and sucrose do to the blood. What the physicians are missing is that the sucrose table sugar, the white flour products, the red meats, dairy products, coffee, candy and soda pop that the hospital provides from the hospital kitchen and from the Coke and candy machines on every floor, are bad enough on their own. These are the junk foods that the patients, themselves, got sick on. What the physicians do not understand is the blood chemistry that these junk foods unbalance. Yes, they take the necessary chemical tests. But they do not understand their own data because they are looking for a complicated treatment when the simple cure is staring them in the face.

Everybody knows how to stick a toy balloon on the wall after rubbing it on your head. It will stick tightly during dry weather but maybe not at all during damp weather. This is because the electro-static charge is strong during dry weather but gets leaked away during damp weather. Well, the same principle applies to how oxygen sticks to the blood cells during oxygenation, but in an ionic fluid instead of in an electrostatic gas.

As blood cells pass through the lungs, there is a very delicate balancing act that takes place between their cell surfaces and the ionic charges of the surrounding plasma. As they pass through the lungs, these purple-colored blood cells have the ionic charge that they received when picking up carbon dioxide. In contact with lung oxygen, this charge gets reversed so that the carbon dioxide drops off and the reversed charge attracts and picks up oxygen molecules. As their ionic charge reverses as they pick up a full supply of oxygen and their color changes from purple to red, these oxygenated blood cells are carried along through the body until they get into the vicinity of body cells that have a surplus of carbon-dioxide and need some oxygen. At that point, the ionic charges again reverse as the oxygen drops off and the carbon dioxide is attracted and sticks to the blood cell which once again changes to a purple color and is carried to the lungs. Yin and yang, a changing balance of polarities.

But just like a toy balloon that cannot stick to the wall in wet weather, oxygen cannot stick to a blood cell if the ionic balance of the blood is acidic. This is what the physicians and oncologists are overlooking. Every damned one of them has observed the ringing alarm bell going off but have muffled their ears and closed their eyes because they are looking for some expensive and complicated cure for cancer when both the cause and the cure are actually very simple.

They observe that cancer thrives in an acidic environment but they feed their patients sugar, white flour, red meats, ice cream and cake for dessert at just about every meal. They observe that cancer dies in a high oxygen environment, but they treat their patients to a choice between Coke and Pepsi from the vending machine down the hall. It is either much too simple for them to understand or else they are a witless part of a greedy and voracious conspiracy against the health of all of Mankind. Those are the only two choices, Doctor; take your pick.

The ringing alarm bell that the physicians are overlooking is the blood pH. Every cancer patient that I have ever seen, all without exception, had an acidic blood pH. But while the oncologists are pumping the patient full of chemotherapy, pizzas, pancakes, cokes, ice creams, hamburgers and fries, sweet rolls and jams, followed by radiation and surgery, they are ignoring the fact that cancer thrives in a low oxygen environment.

Oxygen cannot stick to blood cells if the pH of the blood is acidic. And rather than do everything that they can to raise the pH back up to a normal pH of 7.4 so that the blood can function properly, they prefer surgery. All of the advice that they have stolen from naturopathic medicine about  deep breathing” will do them no good at all. You can breath pure oxygen until you catch on fire but if the blood pH is acidic, then the oxygen will not be able to be picked up by the blood cells. It is chemically impossible. The blood must be normal and normal blood has a pH of around 7.4 pH. Any vestigial traces of oxygen that the acid-drenched blood cells manage to pick up are stripped off early by the oxygen-starved cells along the way and never reach the deeper parts of the body where oxygen is most needed. And because the pH is acidic, carbon dioxide also is not transported efficiently and so builds up within the tissues leading both to cell death and to a cell-to-cancer de-evolution for survival.

So, yes, cancer can be cured with ordinary baking soda. Bicarbonate is found in the blood naturally for the very real purpose of neutralizing acids. Therefore, those who want to cure your cancers should first follow the stolen advise found in the above newsletter. Not that the oncologists understand or follow this advice, themselves, but since they stole it from naturopathic medicine at least we can all agree that it is good advice. So, go to the health food stores and change your diet immediately.

But also do this: Take a pinch of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) into your mouth, run it around your teeth and gums with your tongue while being sure to reach into the deepest parts of your gums and teeth and swallow it three times a day – more or less depending on how you feel. Also, drink a glass of water containing a teaspoon of baking soda before going to bed each night. But don’t over do this. Baking soda can kill you if you take too much of it. Take just a little bit and see how it makes you feel. If you feel okay, then take some more.  Don’t overdo it but don’t be afraid to experiment. After all, the doctors experiment on you every time you go to see them as they “practice medicine”. So, why not experiment on yourself and save the money and the pain. But by all means change your diet to a natural and alkaline diet. And make baking soda a part of that diet.

The physicians will charge you a lot of money to take a pH test of your blood, but you can start monitoring the pH, yourself, by purchasing some pH test strips from a pharmacy. Test your tongue pH in the morning as well as your urine pH. Practice some yoga or Tai Chi Chuan or other deep breathing exercises and go on long walks to enjoy fresh air and your days on Earth. As your blood pH moves back up to the alkaline side of the chart, your deep breathing will fully oxygenate your blood. The cancer cells cannot survive all of that fresh oxygen so they die. And your T-killer cells, being full of vigor, will kill the cancer cells that remain. It’s as simple as that.

This is not advice that a cancer doctor will give you but it is advice that you can take whether you accept his treatments or not. After all, the normal pH of your blood is 7.4 but if the doctor wants to treat you without regard to what is normal, then maybe you should put yourself in Nature’s hands rather than his. If cancer is normal, then it would be normal for everybody to have cancer. But since it is not normal and since it thrives in situations that are not normal, then doesn’t it make sense to seek the things that are normal so that the cancer just disappears? A physician or oncologist who ignores the pH of your blood and does not know how to make it normal once again, is not qualified to be treating you in any way whatsoever. Avoid such physicians for the idiots that they are.

And whoops, oh dear! I am afraid that tooth decay is also cured with this simple remedy because baking soda kills decay-causing germs on contact. Will the purveyors of toothbrushes and pastes and drilling and filling and billing be pleased? No, those greedy betrayers and swindlers will not be pleased at all. They want you to be sick. But the sweet, happy smile of good health is the natural state of Mankind.

Amega Healing Technology

If you in pain, have animals in pain, or love growing HUGE plants without genetic modifications listen to this audio introducing a ground breaking new discovery in the world of healing.


You can also visit this blog for more information and videos.

Contact me for more information if interested.

Saturday, May 1, 2010 Call For the Science!

Do you think the effects of wanding are just the placebo effect? Think again! Listen to the Saturday, May 1, call.
It is chock full of the kind of information that puts the Amega products into another category than anything on the market!

Summary of the Call

Silvana goes into the 5 different tests that have been done on the wanding. All are done with very sophisticated instruments used in holistic clinics.
1.  Scalar waves and energy measures megahertz, measured the "Beam from our Wand". 
Basically anything over 200 MHz is considered strong and supports life.  Anything under 200 is weak and not healthy.
 Results:  OUR WAND..... 1200 MHz!
The results from this test are on our website, when it gets up again.  They measured water which registered over 100 times stronger after AMizing w/the wand. (wanding). They measured a cashew nut, a grape, and an energy field of a person.
A professional tested many methods and NEVER have they seen so much increase.
** This has been video taped and will be made available. **
2.  Live Blood Cell Analysis Test
The tech at the clinic has no experience w/our company and products. The blood sample was from a client who has Not Been Wanded, or using any of our AM Technology Products.
Results:  Blood was not healthy. 
Red blood cells clumped = lack of vitality and oxygen.
White blood cells not moving = immune system weak.
Wanded 3 minutes w/3 wands.
Results:  Now perfect, 'no bacteria' in blood. 
Tech said, "Incredible! This is true healing."  She was at a loss for words.
This is all on video.
3.  Bio Pulsar Reflexograph machine.  It picks up on pressure points on right hand of subject.  Through a computer, it translates information pulses into color.  This machine is used in Germany extensively by all allopathic Dr's.  It really tells a lot on body's energy.
Wanded 3 minutes w/3 wands.
Results:  Looks like a different person.   The tech was very impressed.
4.  A system like the Kirlian photography, but more sophisticated.  It's called Polycontrast Photography.  And records image of electro magnetic field live.
It see's a pattern, then takes a still picture.  It uses a special computer and camera.  
Several minutes of wanding w/several wands applied intensely.
Results:  the energy leaks were stopped. 
5.  CRT 2000, system measures temperature of meridians.  Contact Regulation Thermography, they tested a Canadian Olympic Top Speed Skater, 24 years old and in top shape.   This measures 119 contact points in the body, it coincides w/meridians.  The client was put in mild stress, by being left in a cool room for 10 minutes, and then he was re-measured.

Results:  They saw deficiencies in his field.  Used 3 wands for 3 minutes.
The tech was so surprised and said, " You don't know the significance of this = incredible."
This tech's best friend is a top Oncologist in Germany, and they sent the results to him are awaiting his feedback.  
The wanding regulated the subjects' stress.
TWO more tests were also done:
A. a MSA, Meridian Stress Analysis Test done by Robert = again, 'very good results'.
b.  EDS, Electro Dermal Screening tech w/10 yrs experience... 'amazing'.
This will be translated into Spanish.
WANT TO HEAR MORE ?   Tune into that call !
 Saturday, May 1

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Goldman Sachs Fraud in Plain English

Last Friday, April 16, 2010 the US Securities and Exchange Commission charged Goldman Sachs with Fraud.  This explosive move by the SEC has tremendously diminished  investor confidence in Goldman and Wallstreet in general.  The SEC charge is a very serious one because it says that Goldman fraudulently sold its CDO’s (Collateralized Debt Obligations) to its clients at the behest of its other client Paulson and Co who “shorted” the same portfolio.

The investors lost around $1 Billion while Paulson made the same amount.

The problem according to the SEC was that Goldman failed to mention to the buyers that the CDO’s that they were buying was chosen by the exact same person who wanted to sell it in the first place.

Now if it is not clear to you what the Fraud charge is all about, let me  simplify it for you using a crude analogy
DISCLAIMER: The explanation below and conversations between characters are fictitious and are not quoted from any source, it is solely for educational purposes only and should not be construed as fact.

I want you to imagine a shady “used car” transaction:

A used “car lot operator” was approached by a knowledgeable mechanic. The Mechanic proposes a deal to the operator:  “I would like you to loan me a particular car in your garage, place the car in my name, and I want you to sell it to someone else for me”.

The car lot operator asks: “Are you out of your mind, why in the world would I do that?”
The mechanic says: “because I have a good idea which car in your garage is defective and I’m certain that it will conk out right after it is sold, if you loan me the car that I choose and you can find someone to buy it from me, and I’m right that it conks out, I will buy it back from him at a much lower price, make money and I’ll give you a commission. Think about it, if I am right that the Car Conks out, then that means that car would have caused you a lot of trouble and I would have saved you from that problem!”

The operator says: “So you are telling me that you can tell which one of my cars are worth nothing and you want me to sell it to someone else so that I can still get some money for it? Why don’t I just do it myself? why do I need you for?”

Mechanic: “Because I won’t tell you which one it is until you agree, and besides, you need me because I will take on the risks if this doesn’t go well”

The operator asks: “What do you mean you will take on the risks?”

The mechanic says: “Well, if I’m wrong, then I will buy it back from the buyer, even at a higher price and give you back your car. This is why I want you to loan it to me and put it in my name first, that way the defective car is effectively mine and I take all the risk!, but if I’m right, I will take the profit but will still give you a commission”.

The operator thinks it over and says, “So you are telling me, no matter what, I’ll make money an you take the risks?

The mechanic says: “Yes, so will you loan it to me and sell it to another client of yours for me now?”

The operator says: “okay it’s a deal.” (Who wouldn’t right?)

The operator looks for a buyer for the car, BUT does not mention that the car might conk out soon. Why would he, it’s in his best interest not to right?

So, the operator, because of his slick selling skills successfully finds a buyer who pays for the car at the current price, the operator does not give the money to the mechanic just yet but keeps the money in a safe place, both the operator and the mechanic do not touch the money and wait for what happens to the car. A few days later, the car does conk out, the buyer brings it back to the operator, then, the mechanic arrives and offers to buy it back at a much lower price. After a lot of harsh words and threats of law suits, inevitably, to cut his losses, the buyer decides to just give in. The Mechanic pays for the car at bargain prices using the original money that the buyer gave the operator in the first place.

The buyer gets screwed, the lot operator gets rid of the defective car and even gets a commission for it,  and the mechanic goes home with the bulk of the money.

Now, let’s apply this to the Goldman Sachs Fraud case. I will just change the characters of the story and leave the story in tact, read it again below:

Goldman Sachs was approached by Paulson and Co. Paulson and Co proposes a deal to Goldman Sachs:  “I would like you to loan me a particular Investment portfolio, place it in my name, and I want you to sell it to someone else for me”.

Goldman Sachs says: “Are you out of your mind, why in the world would I do that?”
Paulson and Co says: “because I have a good idea which portfolio of yours is defective and I’m certain that it will be worthless right after it is sold, if you loan me the portfolio that I choose and you can find someone to buy it from me, and I’m right that it becomes worthless, I will buy it back from that buyer at a much lower price, make money and I’ll give you a commission. Think about it, if I am right that that particular portfolio of yours is worthless, then that means that portfolio would have cost you a lot of money and I would have saved you from disaster!”

Goldman Sachs says: “So you are telling me that you can tell which one of my portfolios are worth nothing and you want me to sell it to someone else so that I can still get some money for it? Why don’t I just do it myself? why do I need you for?”

Paulson: “Because I won’t tell you which one it is until you agree, and besides, you need me because I will take on the risks if this doesn’t go well”

Goldman: “What do you mean you will take on the risks?”

Paulson: “Well, if I’m wrong, then I will buy it back from the buyer, even at a higher price and give you back your portfolio. This is why I want you to loan it to me and put it in my name first, that way the defective portfolio is effectively mine and I take all the risk!, but if I’m right, I will take the profit but will still give you a commission”.

Goldman thinks it over and says, “So you are telling me, no matter what, I’ll make money an you take the risks?

Paulson: “Yes, so will you loan it to me and sell it to another client of yours for me now?”

Goldman: “okay it’s a deal.” (Who wouldn’t right?)

Goldman looks for a buyer for the portfolio (which was chosen by Paulson to be Collateral Debt Obligations), BUT does not mention that the particular CDO was chosen by Paulson himself and might conk out soon. Why would Goldman do that, it’s in his best interest not to right?

So, Goldman, because of their slick selling skills successfully finds a buyer who pays for the CDO’s  at the current price, Goldman does not give the money to Paulson just yet but keeps the money in escrow, both Goldman and Paulson and Co do not touch the money and wait for what happens to the CDO. 6 months later, the CDO triggers a series of events leading to the worldwide recession, the buyers bring it back to Goldman, then, Paulson and Co offers to buy the CDO’s it back at a much lower price. After a ton of margin calls, a lot of harsh words and law suits, inevitably, to cut their losses, the buyers decide to just give in. Paulson pays for the CDO’s at bargain prices using the original money that  Goldman has been holding in escrow in the first place.

The buyer gets screwed, Goldman gets rid of the defective CDO’s and even gets a commission for it,  and Paulson goes home with the bulk of the money amounting to at least 1 Billion US Dollars.
Understand it now?

Source http://forexclubmanila.wordpress.com/2010/04/19/april-18-2010-goldman-sachs-controversy-explained-and-simplified/