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Monday, August 10, 2009

Canadian Ex Defense Minister Speaks on UFOs

Here is Paul Hellyer, ex-minister for Canada's Ministry of Defence, last year calling for the US to come clean and stop covering up information on UFOs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAyPvUnTWSU

It is funny we don't see this stuff on the news. Instead people spend THREE hours watching America's Funniest Videos.
A while back there was a Congressional hearing on UFO disclosure and you can learn more about the disclosure project here: http://www.disclosureproject.org/

More and more qualified and credible people are coming forward demanding that the cover up stop and we move to full disclosure of all the secret files on UFOs in the US.

Here is another film you may find interesting:
I have a feeling government disclosure is coming soon.
Take this information for what its worth...

It all dovetails with what George Green has been saying.

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