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Thursday, March 05, 2009

Very important information: global shipping movements collapse

Here a note and link to Bloomberg that supports my blog post on the 95% drop in the Baltic Dry Index.

Wednesday, 04 March 2009
Source: www.davidicke.com

I have had my eye on this situation for some weeks since I came across news that shipping movements were falling dramatically and this trend has since continued. What this means, of course, is that goods are not being shipped around the world on anything like the scale we have been used to and this is going to bring first a reduction in choice and variety in the shops and then, as the global economy continues to collapse, a shortage of more basic needs.
Without rushing out in a panic-stricken state and emptying the supermarket shelves, I would suggest that this is certainly a time to start building a stock on non-perishable foods because, as I keep pointing out, this is an economic catastrophe in the unfolding and we need to tune ourselves to the new world that is coming, at least in the next few years, when the basic needs are going to be far more at the forefront of our thoughts than the insane consumerism that has, well, consumed us.

I don't normally give advice, but I feel to in this case: Think about your basic needs at a time of shortage and start preparing for that before its too late. The shops are not going to be empty tomorrow, but why wait until they are?

Click here for background to the collapse of global shipping from Bloomberg

The green line in the chart below is the S & P. Baltic Dry Index is the blue line.

As the S&P drops the BDI will likely follow the downward trend. It has already dropped 95%.

No business, no trading, no shipping, restricted SUPPLY.

No need to panic. But, reasonable preparation makes some sense.


The gang wars in Vancouver, BC appear to have a connection with the drug wars between major cartels in Mexico and Colombia. Expect this to have impacts on the 'social order' soon. Martial law may be on the way for North America to deal with this 'disorder'. All of these events have a connection and the engineered collapse of the US economy, the drug cartels, increasing violence in Mexico, the Amero already in print, all of these are pointing to a problem-reaction-solution scenario and the 'solution' may be the North American Union which will spark riots and protest in all three countries involved. Detention camps are already in place to handle the ensuing mayhem, all veriable.

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