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Monday, November 17, 2008

LaRouche's Opinion on the Economy

Bush's Weekend Farce Brings Us Closer To Hell

November 16, 2008 (LPAC)--Lyndon LaRouche declared today that Saturday's G-20 farce brings us that much closer to Hell. "The fact that the meeting was held was bad. Everything around it was bad,'' LaRouche stated bluntly. "The system is disintegrating now. It is gone, and unless there is a change in direction, we face Hell on earth for generations to come. And so far, everyone is saying, 'We are not going to do anything about it.' If they play by those rules, it means Doomsday,'' LaRouche concluded. "If someone awakens to the fact that he or she has been behaving like a fool, and changes, and does what I have consistently said must be done, we can change things,'' LaRouche continued. LaRouche declared, "The world system is in the process of collapse. Unless you take certain prescribed actions, the world goes to Hell, by virtue of a failure to act.'' On Saturday, the so-called leadership of the planet "failed to act,'' in "just such a fashion as I have warned about, repeatedly.''

For full article go here: http://www.larouchepac.com/news/2008/11/16/bushs-weekend-farce-brings-us-closer-hell.html

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