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Monday, December 29, 2008

We Can Laugh or Cry from David Icke

Hello Everyone,

Let's start the new year off with a few belly laughs. I think this should inspire a world wide 'laughter movement' that will shake off the shackles of 'adult' seriousness.

When I was studying Qigong in Shanghai my teacher taught me a 'backstep Qigong'. He described it as 'back to baby'. We were the purest and most 'human' when before we were one year old. After that the 'programming' sets in and we start to become 'serious adults'! Haahahaha! Isn't that funny!

Click on this link: http://pl.youtube.com/watch?v=5P6UU6m3cqk

That is how you WERE. Now look in the mirror! Now, you really have something to laugh about! LOL

David Icke has written a great article here on choices and laughter and how laughter is one of the great tools to throw off oppression and the tendency to oppress others. Controlling and being controlled are two sides of the same coin.

Laughter is great medicine for the soul and it is about time we 'lost our mind'!

I have good friend in Japan who spends days with people who are suicidal. They all have ONE thing in common. They have forgotten their 'baby heart' and are controlled by their 'adult mind, the separative mind. He calls the mind 'akuma', which literally means 'bad magic'.

If we look around at the world and see where 'serious adults' are plenty we see wars, violence, and not a whole lot of laughter.

The first step to world peace it to laugh a little and give up this 'adult separative mind' and see the world as it is and not how we would wish it to be. Just 'see it as it IS'.

Then chuckle.

Just that will make it a little better and you have just made your 'mark' on the world and made it a better place.

You may find some of David Icke's views hard to swallow. But, one thing for sure. Everything that is happening now he predicted years ago. People are starting to wake up the deception, including the 'self-deception' and having a good CHUCKLE!

We are really a funny bunch of creatures aren't we? And we really think we are smarter than the whales and monkeys! LOL


Copyright David Icke, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

The David Icke Newsletter, December 28th 2008



Hello all ...

I hope you are enjoying a break over this Christmas and New Year and having a rest from this struggle we call 'life'.

With the engineered global financial crash and its true implications yet to fully work through to daily experience there is not a lot of cheer around for enormous numbers of people this weekend.

I understand that and I understand why for so many 'this life' appears to be simply 'this struggle' to survive another day, week or month. But does it really have to be like that?

We are not our bodies; we are consciousness having an experience through a body hologram that we think is 'us'. It's just a vehicle that allows 'us' to experience this tiny frequency range we call 'the world'. It is not who are, only what we think we are. And when we buy that lie we live the body computer's reality and lose the connection to what we truly are - consciousness ... Infinite Possibility.

Life as 'the struggle' is the realm of the body program, which is part of the Matrix program, and it doesn't have to be our struggle if we can break through the vibrational concrete that enslaves us to the will of the program.

A key to that is to do what the program wouldn't do and doesn't want us to do. Laughing in the face of adversity and laughing in the face of danger and intimidation are two examples of this.

The idea is to keep us in fear so we give our power away to those we believe will protect us from what we fear - 'Give the banks our money - bail them out - save us.' We also need to be kept constantly worrying about the future, in a state of at least low-level depression that eats away our optimism and joy.

What this does is create a dense ('I feel so tight and heavy') vibrational state which further disconnects us from a conscious connection with what we really are - All That Is ... Infinite Possibility.

The more you think limited possibility the more you know you are in the program and not in consciousness, and the energetic density that comes from depression and worry (expressions of fear) lock you into a sense of limited options and choice - limited possibility. It's a cycle and it's vicious.

Our 'human' energy fields constantly reflect our mental and emotional states in their vibrational resonance and, in turn, the resonance triggers mental and emotional states. This is how low-vibrational influences like drugs and chemical food additives can trigger hyperactivity and depression.

It appears to be a chemical reaction that is behind the problem, but the chemical reaction is merely the 'physical' expression of a vibrational reaction. We need, therefore, to use consciousness to break this cycle of cause-and-effect-effect-and cause. But how?

Well, about this for a start?


Try being serious - 'tight and heavy' - when you are laughing or someone else is.

Click Here ...

Laughter bursts the bubble of pomposity and taking ourselves and 'life' far too seriously, and you cannot laugh and be in the fear at the same time.

Click Here ...

I am not saying that we should laugh uncontrollably 24/7, but most people don't laugh enough and some hardly at all. Laughter breaks up the density and frees the energy to flow. As the great British comedian, Ken Dodd, says:

'We're all born with a chuckle muscle, and if you exercise it every day it'll keep you young and frisky all your life, but if you don't it dries up and drops off.'

I didn't laugh much in my every day life for many years as I got bogged down with the challenges and obstacles that came my way in my work and the pressures going on around me, but a vast change has been taking place within me, starting in the Summer of 2007, and it is gathering pace all the time.

It is steaming along now to the point where 'David Icke', the guy born in Leicester, England, in 1952, is fast disappearing. It's a strange feeling, but a wonderful one. It's like returning to myself, my true self, All Possibility, the 'One'.

I am on the brink of fantastic breakthroughs into 'out there' that are going to change my life and the direction of my work in a fundamental and extraordinary way in the next two years.

And, as I breakthrough the programs of response and reaction in my body computer, I am seeing the joy of being alive more than ever before. Yes, earth can be a shitty place, and one based on suppression and control, but if we can't change everything we don't like overnight (though I know we can once we fully understand reality), at least we can change our relationship to what we don't like.

The glass can be half full or half empty; a situation can be depressing or fearful or ridiculous and funny. It's just a choice, a point of observation.

I can never take life seriously or feel stressed when I am watching this man, the late Tommy Cooper. Tommy was a British comedian who died on stage in 2004. He was an excellent magician, but used his apparent incompetence to make millions laugh till they cried.

I have loved Tommy since I was a small boy because I share his sense of humour and sense of the ridiculous. When you begin to see the program for what it is you see how ridiculous life is, as lived in the collective trance that people call the 'real world'. Here is Tommy in action ... enjoy ...

Click Here ...

I just love to laugh at the ridiculous and one of my favourite comedians was the late Kenneth Williams. He had a character called Rambling Syd Rumpo who sang spoof 'rural folk ballads' from 'old England'. He delivered them brilliantly using old English terms and made-up words to say one thing, but mean another.

Here is a great example and, by the way, the 'Bow Street Runners' is an old term for the police ...

Click Here ...

What a wonderful sound that is of people laughing, the energy that no expression of fear can breach. 'The System' itself fears laughter because it removes its sense of power and authority. If you react to an authority figure with anger and hostility you are to a large extent playing in their stadium.

Ideally, they want unquestioned obedience, but they'll settle for anger as a second best because the game is still playing out on their territory. But have you ever laughed uncontrollably in front of some guy in uniform trying to be serious and 'powerful'? I have and they have no idea what to do because their power has gone, as if their trousers have fallen to the floor.

'The System' is ridiculous and we need to stop taking it and ourselves anything like so seriously. It is the major change of perception that will set us free. Yes, we need to know how we are controlled, why and by whom or what. But the way we respond to that decides if we remain controlled or refuse to be bound by fear, worry and stress.

Imagine if, instead of people having a mass protest to shout abuse at their dark-suited targets, they just laughed at them en-masse. As someone said to me as a kid, if you are frightened of anyone or intimidated just think of them sitting on a toilet. Try it, it works.

'I am a very important person and you must be frightened of me ...'

It has now been shown in medical tests and trials that when you laugh it has a wonderful healing affect on the body (because it is making energy flow and this affects the body's chemical state). Here we have a doctor who is using this understanding by making people laugh ...

Click Here ...

There are increasing numbers of groups and organisations who have the aim of getting people to laugh and, after just returning from the much-troubled country of South Africa, I loved this one. No matter how bad your situation, laughter will always making it seem better, or at least not as bad.

Click Here ...

How many times in our lives, from early childhood through school and adult life are we told that we 'mustn't laugh'? Crikey, how many times do we tell ourselves that?? Hey, let's chill out. We are all that is and ever can be - All Possibility having an experience in this reality. Let us celebrate who we are and express the joy of that.

I have always been on the brink of collapsing with laughter, especially in supposedly serious situations. I was often in trouble at school for laughing uncontrollably in the classroom when I found something funny.

I had a classmate called David Bell who had the ability to say something, but keep a straight face. Me, I was gone and thus always the one in trouble. We were in a religious 'education' lesson once with the teacher talking about the Biblical town of Joppa. David Bell leaned over quietly and just said in my ear 'Joppa the big fat copper'.

Well, that's the last I saw of that lesson (phew!) and I spent the rest of it in the corridor - still laughing. I found the most silly things funny, especially when they were being taken seriously, and I haven't changed a day in that way.

When I was a television presenter I was always liable to get the giggles and I did really lose it one time when I was presenting a sports event involving a new player on the scene from Thailand. I asked a guest I was interviewing how he would pronounce the new man's difficult name.

'Oh', he said, 'I call him number 21 without noodles'.

Those who don't know the system of Chinese restaurants and takeaways numbering the food on their menus will have no idea what was funny about that. Even some who do might not. But for some reason it hit my tickle button and the camera was held on the guest while I was collapsing with laughter. When he started laughing as well the director had nowhere to go and quickly ran a video clip while we both tried to recover.

The stiff shirts were not happy with me, but the audience loved it because they laughed, too. Laughter is infectious and when one person laughs it's like that gives permission to others to laugh who are afraid to loosen their corsets and let themselves go.

When I went into another state of conscious during my experience taking the psycho-active potion called ayuasca in Brazil in 2003 I spent most of the five hours in hysterics. The voice that talked to me so clearly all that time about the illusory nature of reality was such a hoot.

I was lying on my back and several times my feet were in the air I was laughing so much. People might not laugh often enough in the density of body-consciousness, but 'out there' there is so much fun.

But then why shouldn't there be? 'Out there' they know that all is One and there is nothing to fear or get stressed about. The program tells us to do that and sets up situations to make us do that, but beyond the program there is so much joy at just being.

Have a lovely break ... see you next year - laughing I trust.

Amid the chaos and the challenges don't forget to smile

After all, you are all that is, has been and ever will be. So that's not so bad, eh?

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The Great Ken Dodd

Click here to view ...

David Icke On Journeys with Rebecca

A two-hour interview this week about Barack Obama, the awakening, the nature of reality, and more.

Click here to listen ...

New David Icke DVD available for pre-order - released on January 15th

Click here for details ...

IN 2009

Full-day talk in Los Angeles in February

David will be speaking twice at this event over the holiday weekend of February 13th to 16th - for an hour and a half on the Saturday on the subject of 'awakening from the program' and then his all-day presentation will follow on the Monday.

Click here for more details ...


Full-day talk in Mexico in March

David will be speaking in the city of Guadalajara in the first week of March - details to follow


Full-day talk at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, Australia, on April 11th



Full-day talk in Zagreb, Croatia, in May

Details to follow ...


Full-day talks in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in September

Details to follow ...

David Icke's Two-Hour TV Interview on Edge Media TV

David Icke: The 2008 Brixton Academy DVD

Nearly seven hours of extraordinary dot-connecting.
This is truly beyond the cutting edge ...

Cover art by David Dees

Click here for details and trailer ...


These include his presentation at his Big Brother By-Election Public Meeting

These videos by David Icke will have a dramatic effect on global awareness if enough people take the time and trouble to circulate them far and wide - short of spamming. Please send them to anyone and everyone you know and ask the receivers to do the same and so on.

In a short time through this method of circulation we could have tens of millions of people seeing this information worldwide and make a massive difference to human awareness of what is happening in the world that we daily experience.

Big Brother is terrified of such information circulating, so let's do it as widely as possible all over the world.

These videos are free for anyone to use and circulate, put onto DVD for free, and basically circulate as anyone chooses - SHORT of commercial use. David retains the copyright for commercial use and these are intended only to be circulated for free as David himself is doing. By all means add subtitles to them in any language you wish (so long as it is accurate!).

Please mention that people can get even more information and daily updates on the latest headlines page at Davidicke.com.

Thank-you for your help with this - it is a way you can make a fantastic contribution to global awareness very quickly.



Click here to watch ...

It is also available on Google Video by clicking here ...

It would be helpful if people also go into the Google version to push up the hit numbers and make it more likely that passing eyes will see it.

Please also send out this second video of David Icke speaking in 1996 - listen to what he said all those years ago and then look at the world today:


The world we have today described and predicted in 1996. It's extraordinary.

Click here to watch ...




David Icke's Extraordinary New Book Triggers Storm of Interest


Click here for more info


Feedback on David Icke's New Book

Hi John,

Firstly a thanks to all concerned in getting Ickey's new book safely to me. Secondly, could ya do me a favour please and give David this message:

I'm a hundred or so pages in, and it's quite simply, awesome! The whole story of absolutely everything is clearly and concisely explained in such an obvious and easy style. I swear even though I'm extremely familiar with David's work so far, this just sums the bloody lot up in a nutshell.

It's the only book that confused and scared and questioning people need to read. David, I'm gonna make everybody I can read this.

Your bravery in putting this out is humbling. This is THE BOOK, David, and thank you so bloody much for it! My god, this is gonna really shake em up.

Steve, Lancs, UK

David Icke at the Oxford Union

In this two-hour presentation at the famous Oxford Union at Oxford University, David Icke encapsulates humanity's current plight and how we can secure our freedom from the Hidden Hand behind global events. It is designed to be a simple introduction to the staggering revelations that he has long exposed in detail in his books. If you want to know what is really happening in your world, and why, this is not to be missed. Your freedom and that of your children and grandchildren could well depend upon it.

Particularly recommended for people new to this information or to show friends and family to introduce them to the bigger picture.

(David was speaking to highly intelligent Oxford students, so he had to keep it real simple.)

Click here to order ...



This is real serious and David's work is in imminent danger of ceasing without your help. Donate system now working.


Or send to this address:

David Icke Legal Defence Fund,
Office 1,
185a High Street,
Isle of Wight
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United Kingdom

David Icke Video On-Demand
The new David Icke Movie website lets you watch David Icke DVD, Videocasts, Interviews and special investigations instantly and again whenever you want using pay per view technology. As well as David Icke's work we will also be bringing you guest video and audio from some of the world's foremost conspiracy and alternative reality researchers. All available 24 hours a day for instant access.


"Fool me once ..."
is the latest offering from one of the UK's most active Truth Campaigner's. Recorded live at the Glastonbury Symposium in July 2007 Ian R. Crane, the immediate past Chair of the UK 9/11 Truth Campaign, reflects upon Gordon Brown's overt commitment to the agenda of the New World Order and offers a startling prediction of what is being planned to accelerate implementation of the One World Government ... with particular focus on the 2012 London Olympics.

More info...

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New from The Enigma Channel - Click Here

The Illuminati 3: Murdered by the Monachy

The Illuminati Volume 3: Murdered by the Monachy is the latest release from Enigma Motion Pictures. It takes a long hard look at the events surrounding Princess Diana's untimely death and reveals
information the Royals would rather stay hidden. This one is a real eye-opener.


The Bombs of Enduring Freedom

The Bombs of Enduring Freedom is the latest offering James Fogarty, formerly of eclectic metal project Ewigkeit. It's a cinematic journey from war torn down-town Baghdad, (via Guantanamo Bay
International) to the cathedral's of commerce of the United States.





David Icke's books, tapes and DVD's are available securely online from The David Icke Books website.

(click pictures for more info)

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Please note: Ordering direct from David Icke Books is a great contribution to the expansion of this work of communicating suppressed information fundamental to human freedom. It is a constant financial challenge to keep going and buying from some other sources, especially pirated versions, threatens our ability to keep the books in print and publish new ones.

Anyone selling my books as e-books is doing so illegally and keeping all your money for themselves, the same with pirated books or tapes. They are taking everything you pay them while making no contribution either to the work or to those who have committed their lives to helping people find true freedom and need the income from the books to make new ones possible.

Thank you,



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Lady Die from Enigma Motion Pictures

Chris Everard has left no stone unturned in his investigation into the truth about the killing of Princess Diana.

More info: http://www.davidickebooks.co.uk

The Whole Truth Coalition

What people can do to challenge the Orwellian State and the politicians who either impose it or look on in silence.

What is suggested here can be done in any country.

Read more ...


Click here and scroll down ...

Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Energy Interview

Here is another interesting interview regarding energy evolution or...revolution?


See http://www.breakthroughpower.net to get the new book on emerging technologies. This is not a technical book but an important one for policy makers and to get the public on board to promote new energy technologies.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Forex Robot Review

I have just put together a FOREX Robot Review site.

All the robots I have running right now are showing outstanding results.

Learn about seven robots that are showing amazing results so far.


Energy Evolution

Here is some interesting information on energy breakthroughs.

Check out the Book:

Break Through Power by Jeanne Manning

Listen to This:

Other Links:



Monday, December 22, 2008


By Andy and Berit Kjos

December 21, 2008


Note: The report below was not written by me (Berit), but I did add these 3 quotes:
"Over the past 20 years Congress has encouraged the U.S. military to supply intelligence, equipment, and training to civilian police. That encouragement has spawned a culture of paramilitarism in American law enforcement. The 1980s and 1990s have seen marked changes in the number of state and local paramilitary units, in their mission and deployment, and in their tactical armament." --Cato Institute (more information below)
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." --Barack Obama, "Obama's Civilian National Security Force"
"At the World Food Programme we have recognized what a valuable tool food aid can be in changing behaviour. In so many poorer countries food is money, food is power....." --Catherine Bertini, Executive Director of the World Food Program, "The UN Plan for Food and Land"
On Monday, December 1, a SWAT team with semi-automatic rifles entered the private home of the Stowers family in LaGrange, Ohio, herded the family onto the couches in the living room, and kept guns trained on parents, children, infants and toddlers, from approximately 11 AM to 8 PM. The team was aggressive and belligerent. The children were quite traumatized. At some point, the “bad cop” SWAT team was relieved by another team, a “good cop” team that tried to befriend the family. The Stowers family has run a very large, well-known food cooperative called Manna Storehouse on the western side of the greater Cleveland area for many years.
There were agents from the Department of Agriculture present, one of them identified as Bill Lesho. The search warrant is reportedly suspicious-looking. Agents began rifling through all of the family’s possessions, a task that lasted hours and resulted in a complete upheaval of every private area in the home. Many items were taken that were not listed on the search warrant. The family was not permitted a phone call, and they were not told what crime they were being charged with. They were not read their rights. Over ten thousand dollars worth of food was taken, including the family’s personal stock of food for the coming year. All of their computers, and all of their cell phones were taken, as well as phone and contact records. The food cooperative was virtually shut down. There was no rational explanation, nor justification, for this extreme violation of Constitutional rights.
Presumably Manna Storehouse might eventually be charged with running a retail establishment without a license. Why then the Gestapo-type interrogation for a 3rd degree misdemeanor charge? This incident has raised the ominous specter of a restrictive new era in State regulation and enforcement over the nation’s private food supply.
This same type of abusive search and seizure was reported by those innocents who fell victim to oppressive federal drug laws passed in the 1990s. The present circumstance raises the obvious question: is there some rabid new interpretation of an existing drug law that considers food a controlled substance worthy of a nasty SWAT operation? Or worse, is there a previously unrecognized provision(s) pertaining to food in the Homeland Security measures? Some have suggested that it was merely an out-of-control, hot-to-trot ODA agent, and, if so, this would be a best-case scenario. Anything else might spell the beginning of the end for the freedom to eat unregulated and unmonitored food.
One blogger familiar with the Ohio situation has reported that:

“Interestingly, I believe they [Manna Storehouse said a month or so ago, an undercover ODA official came to their little store and claimed to have a sick father wanting to join the co-op. Both the owner and her daughter-in-law had a horrible feeling about the man, and decided not to allow him into the co-op and notified him by certified mail. He came back to the co-op demanding to be part of it. They refused and gave him names of other businesses and health food stores closer to his home. Not coincidentally, this man was there yesterday as part of the raid.”

The same blog also noted that the Ohio Department of Agriculture has been chastised by the courts in several previous instances for its aggression, including trying to entrap an Amish man in a raw milk “sale,” which backfired when it became known that the Amish believe in a literal interpretation of “give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away” (Matthew 5:42)
The issue appears to be the discovery of a bit of non-institutional beef in an Oberlin College food service freezer a year ago that was tracked down by a county sanitation official to Manna Storehouse. Oberlin College’s student food coop is widely known for its strident ideological stance about eating organic foods. It seems that the Oberlin student food cooperative had joined the Manna Storehouse food cooperative in order to buy organic foods in bulk from the national organic food distributor United, which services buying clubs across the nation. The sanitation official, James Boddy, evidently contacted the Ohio Department of Agriculture. After the first contact by state ODA officials, Manna Storehouse reportedly wrote them a letter requesting assistance and guidelines for complying with the law. This letter was never answered. Rather, the ODA agent tried several times to infiltrate the coop, as described above. When his attempts failed, the SWAT team showed up!
Food cooperatives and buying clubs have been an active part of the American landscape for over a generation. In the 1970s, with the rise of the organic food industry (a direct outgrowth of the hippie back-to-nature movement) food coops started up all over the country. These were groups of people who freely associated for the purpose of combining their buying power so that they could order organic food items in bulk and case lots. Anyone who was part of these coops in the early era will remember the messy breakdown of 35 pounds of peanut butter and 5 gallon drums of honey!
These buying clubs have persisted and flourished over the years due to their ability to purchase high quality organic foods at reduced prices in bulk quantities. Most cooperatives have participated greatly in the local agrarian economies, supporting neighborhood organic farmers with purchases of produce, eggs, chickens, etc. The groups also purchase food from a number of different local, regional and national distributors, many of them family-based businesses who truck the food themselves. Some of these food cooperatives have become large enough to set up mini-storefront operations where members can drop in and purchase items leftover from case lot sales. Manna Storehouse had established itself in such a manner, using a small enclosed breezeway attached to their home. It was a folksy place with old wooden floors where coop members stopped by to chat and snack on bags of organic corn chips.
The state of Ohio boasts the second largest Amish population in the country. Many of the Amish live on acreages where they raise their own food, not unlike Manna Storehouse, and sell off the extras to neighbors and church members. There is a sense of foreboding that this state crackdown on a longstanding, reputable food cooperative operation could adversely impact the peaceful agrarian way of life not only for the Amish, but homeschoolers and those families living off the land on rural acreages. It raises the disturbing possibility that it could become a crime to raise your own food, buy eggs from the farmer down the road, or butcher your own chickens for family and friends – bustling activities that routinely take place in backwater America.
The freedom to purchase food directly from the source is increasingly under attack. For those who have food allergies and chemical intolerances, or who are on special medical diets, this is becoming a serious health issue. Will Americans retain the right to purchase food that is uncontaminated by pesticides, herbicides, allergens, additives, dyes, preservatives, MSG, GMOs, radiation, etc.? The melamine scare from China underscores the increasingly inferior and suspect quality of modern processed institutional foods. One blog, commenting on the bizarre and troubling Manna Storehouse situation, observed that:
“No one is saying exactly why. At the same time the FDA says it is safe to eat the 40% of tainted beef found in Costco's and Sam's all over the nation. These farm raids are very common now. Every farmer needs to be fully equipped [sic] for the possibility of it happening to them. The Farmer To Consumer Legal Defense Fund was created just for this purpose. The USDA just released their plans to put a law into action that will put all small farmers out of business. Animals for the sale of meat or milk will only be allowed in commercial farms, even the organic ones.” December 3, 2008 7:09 PM
Berit's notes:
"The police paramilitary units also conduct training exercises with active duty Army Rangers and Navy SEALs. State and local police departments are increasingly accepting the military as a model for their behavior and outlook.... The problem is that the mindset of the soldier is simply not appropriate for the civilian police officer. Police officers confront not an 'enemy' but individuals who are protected by the Bill of Rights. Confusing the police function with the military function can lead to dangerous and unintended consequences...." (Diane Cecilia Weber, Cato Institute, "Warrior Cops: The Ominous Growth of Paramilitarism in Police Departments")
Since globalist leaders plan to control food and supplements, water, physical and mental health, energy, and "human settlements" – and as the unthinkable global standards and surveillance system are being implemented -- they will obviously need paramilitary forces to control the unhappy masses.
The Stowers family has been financially devastated by this atrocity. They have not broken any law -- no charges have been filed -- yet they have lost all of their own personal food for the coming year. If you would like to help the family, the contact information is posted on their website.