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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Who Benefits from the Salmonella Scare: Beware

Recently there has been a scare going around about tomatoes and salmonella. It appears to me to be just another 'problem-reaction-solution' set up to serve the irradiation industry and the pharmaceutical interests.

So, what is salmonella?

Here is what Wikipedia has to say about Salmonella:

Disease-causing Salmonella species have recently been re-classified into a single species, Salmonella enterica, which has numerous serovars. Salmonella Typhi causes typhoid fever. Other salmonellae are frequent causes of foodborne illness, especially from poultry and raw eggs and more generally from food that has been cooked or frozen and not eaten straight away. Although most non-typhoidal strains associated with food-borne infection are self-limiting and do not require antibiotics, complicated or systemic infection and infection with specific serovars (such as Typhi) are indications for antibiotic treatment and often hospitalization. The long-term usage of antibiotics in both the poultry and beef industries may have created a strain of salmonella which is potentially resistant to antibiotics.[6]

So, why aren't the regulators going after likely producers of salmonella? Why are they picking on vegetables and pushing the irradiation agenda?

Now, let's look at the situation.

Tomatoes don't produce salmonella.

Neither do peppers, onions, cilantro or spinach.

Salmonella DOES fester in factory-farmed animals, folks, and that means the real source of contamination is likely some animal factory upstream from the vegetable processing centers.

So why isn't the FDA going after the animal factories that likely caused this whole fiasco?

Could it be that making everyone afraid of their vegetables is a great way to advance the FDA's food irradiation agenda which would destroy virtually all the medicinal phytonutrients in plants.

It could also be that they don't wish to harm one of their biggest markets who purchase their anti-biotics and hormones for factory farming. (The intertwining interests here can get mind-boggling).

Beware of your almonds now! All US produced raw almonds are now irradiated thus NO nutrition...

Again, follow the money. Who benefits?

If people get scared enough to allow irradiation this serves the industry behind irradiation of course.

However, what happens next?

If the irradiation of fresh produce goes into effect in the United States (and imported into Canada and exported elsewhere) we are likely to see the rates of infection among consumers of these products to sharply rise due to the removal of immune-boosting natural medicinal substances from the food supply.

More in food irradiation: http://www.organicconsumers.org/Irrad/irradfact.cfm

Who benefits? Big Pharma of course. Sickness is big business. Increasing the levels of sickness is a profitable business.
By destroying these thousands of healing phytonutrients, irradiation will leave many consumers defenseless against modern society's many health challenges.

Just like the introduction of chorine and flouride into the water supply was a useful and profitable way to dispose of military industrial waste there is another profit partner in this whole scenario: The NUCLEAR POWER INDUSTRY.

The original sponsor of food irradiation in the US was the Department of Energy, which wanted to create a favorable image of nuclear power as well as dispose of radioactive waste. These goals have not changed. Cobalt-60, which is used for irradiation, must be manufaactured in a nuclear reactor.

For an in depth look read the article by Mike Adams "The Health Ranger".
Get involved and voice your opinion. Our voices are slowing down Codex Alimentarius and Bill C-51. Don't think we fail to have influence.

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