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Sunday, July 27, 2008

What the News Won't Tell You and Why

Here is a 5 part home video that reveals information that you won't find in the news.

These two fellas do a little partly tongue and cheek skit while revealing a good deal of history around the control of the mass media and the plans for the Amero, the North American Union.

A lot of this information is documented in the movie 'The Money Masters" which everyone should see for a solid history of money going back to Biblical times.

The scene with Cheney joking about not telling his constituency that he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberger group is priceless.

You Won't See This In The News Part 1 of 5
Introduction to the secret agenda to create totalitarian world government; why the bankers bought out the major newspapers in 1915 and how they use...

You Won't See This in the News - Part 2 of 5
I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore: The North American Union. With Rick and Dick - The Campaign to Take Back Our Country - Distribute ...

You Won't See This in the News - Part 3 of 5
Follow the Yellow Brick Road With Rick and Dick - The Campaign to Take Back Our Country - Distribute FREELY and WIDELY

You Won't See This In The News Part 4 of 5
Rick and Dick offer a sound solution to the secret plan for world government that every American citizen can and should employ with minimal effort....

You Won't See This In The News Part 5 of 5
Jul 8, 2008 A 30-minute version of Alex Jones’ interview with Aaron Russo, whose “America: From Freedom to Fascism” was seen by millions on the Int...

It is fun and informative though for some possibly disturbing at times.

They are not good actors! But, lots of interesting historical evidence of the whole unfolding saga we live in.

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