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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Latest Update on the Economy from George Green

Latest Update on the Economy from George Green

July 16th Update

International Bank of Settlements is calling for an audit of the Federal Reserve

Very interesting interview including economies starting to no longer accepting USD or EUROS!

Now, that is news.

George Green on the Economy - MUST LISTEN


George Green (The Big Picture-An economic forecast for coming times)


George Green is incredibly knowledgeable about what is going from an insider perspective and what the agenda is regarding the economy.

Now the banks are checking anything over $2500. Use to be $10,000.

He suggests keeping some cash and gold for the upcoming crunch.

Very important call for your economic survival.

Egold and Ebullion Problems

The Los Angeles Times has reported the murder of the co-owner of E-Bullion, 45 year-old Pamela Fayed.


E-Bullion has had problems over the last 12 months.

However, it remains to be seen what effect, if any, this latest news will have.

At the same time, 3 E-Gold executives have pleaded guilty to charges of money laundering.


The report also refers to the re-implementation of E-Gold as a more compliant service.

Canada’s Private Banks have no Reserve Requirements

In banking, there is a common term called “reserve ratios” or “reserve requirements”.

For simplification, all this means is that government imposed regulations on private banks says that they are required to keep a certain amount of “money” (it isn’t really money…they call it “capital instruments” - something that is “as good as money”) back in the vault for every dollar they loan out. For example, if the reserve ratio is 10%, it means that the bank would keep 10 cents in the vault for every dollar they loan out.

We have been conditioned via government education not to think of this at all or at least rationalize this as a good idea. There can be many examples cited in history where depositor’s confidence in their bank was shaken, and they all lined up all at the same time to withdraw their money - a run on the bank. These were ugly scenes as you can imagine. Panicking people screaming, yelling, and fighting with bank staff - and each other - to be in line first before the bank ran out of cash.

Full article here: http://gilliganscorner.wordpress.com/2008/04/06/canadas-private-banks-have-no-reserve-requirements/#comment-349

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Why the USDA Wants to Sterilize Fresh Produce

There's a new plot underway to sterilize your food and destroy the nutritional value of fresh produce. The players in this plot are the usual suspects: The USDA (which backed the "raw" almond sterilization rules now in effect in California) and the American Chemical Society -- a pro-chemical group that represents the interests of industrial chemical manufacturers. The latest push comes from USDA researchers who conducted a study to see which method more effectively killed bacteria on leafy green vegetables like spinach.

To conduct the study, they bathed the spinach in a solution contaminated with bacteria. Then, they tried to remove the bacteria using three methods: Washing, chemical spraying and irradiation. Not surprisingly, only the irradiation killed nearly 100 percent of the bacterial colonies. That's because radiation sterilizes both the bacteria and the vegetable leaves, effectively killing the plant and destroying much of its nutritional value while it kills the bacteria...


Sunday, July 27, 2008

What the News Won't Tell You and Why

Here is a 5 part home video that reveals information that you won't find in the news.

These two fellas do a little partly tongue and cheek skit while revealing a good deal of history around the control of the mass media and the plans for the Amero, the North American Union.

A lot of this information is documented in the movie 'The Money Masters" which everyone should see for a solid history of money going back to Biblical times.

The scene with Cheney joking about not telling his constituency that he is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberger group is priceless.

You Won't See This In The News Part 1 of 5
Introduction to the secret agenda to create totalitarian world government; why the bankers bought out the major newspapers in 1915 and how they use...

You Won't See This in the News - Part 2 of 5
I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore: The North American Union. With Rick and Dick - The Campaign to Take Back Our Country - Distribute ...

You Won't See This in the News - Part 3 of 5
Follow the Yellow Brick Road With Rick and Dick - The Campaign to Take Back Our Country - Distribute FREELY and WIDELY

You Won't See This In The News Part 4 of 5
Rick and Dick offer a sound solution to the secret plan for world government that every American citizen can and should employ with minimal effort....

You Won't See This In The News Part 5 of 5
Jul 8, 2008 A 30-minute version of Alex Jones’ interview with Aaron Russo, whose “America: From Freedom to Fascism” was seen by millions on the Int...

It is fun and informative though for some possibly disturbing at times.

They are not good actors! But, lots of interesting historical evidence of the whole unfolding saga we live in.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Apollo Astronaut Spills the Beans on UFOs

In this interview Apollo Astronaut Edgar Mitchell tells the story about a 60 year UFO cover up.

The cat is out of the bag.


Monday, July 21, 2008

Stealing Elections in the US

Over the last decade,
millions of votes have disappeared.
A nation can be stolen without guns or tanks.
A nation can be stolen vote by vote.


Direct Cinema Limited presents a Concentric Media Film
Vote by Vote

A new feature length documentary film
Narrated by PETER COYOTE
Produced and Directed by
Oscar-nominated, Emmy-winning Filmmaker

September 5th thru 11th at the Varsity 3
4329 University Way NE Seattle, WA
Date may change.
Check website to confirm:

Compelling, meticulously accurate, poignant…
First-person stories from the election trenches paint a
chilling picture of problems affecting election outcomes,
"glitches" and "irregularities" which cannot be
explained away as random errors.

We all need to learn as much as possible
as quickly as possible about our electoral system –
before it is too late.

How You Can Help:

1. Come see the film at your local theater!

2. Spread the word to others that this is a 'must-see' film.

3. Sign up to table in the theatre lobby to hand out
our election reform information and, if you wish,
material from your own organization.
For information on tabling, email: info@concentric.org

4. Rent the theatre to hold a private screening or benefit.

For information on scheduling a screening, email: stealingamerica@gmail.com

5. Purchase tickets for small groups at a reduced rate.
For information on group ticket sales, email: stealingamerica@gmail.com


1. August 1st thru 7th at the Quad Cinema
34 West 13th St. New York City, NY

2. August 15th thru 21st at the Laemmle's Music Hall 3
9036 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA

3. August 15th thru 21st at the Chez Artiste 3
4150 E Amherst Ave. Denver, CO

4. August 22nd thru 28th at the Ritz at the Bourse
400 Ranstead St. Philadelphia, PA

5. August 29th thru September 4th at the E Street Cinema
555 11th Street NW Washington, D.C.

6. August 29th thru September 4th at the Kendall Sq. Cinema
One Kendall Sq. Cambridge, MA

7. August 29th thru September 4th at the Lagoon 5
1320 Lagoon Ave. Minneapolis, MN

8. August 29th thru September 4th at the Devargas Mall Cinema 6
562 N Guadalupe St. Santa Fe, NM

9. September 5th thru 11th at the Shattuck 10
2230 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, CA

10. September 5th thru 11th at the Lumiere 3
1572 California St. San Francisco, CA

11. September 5th thru 11th at the Regal Arbor Cinema
9828 Great Hills Trail Suite 800 Austin, TX

12. September 5th thru 11th at the Varsity 3
4329 University Way NE Seattle, WA

13. September 26th thru October 2nd at the Landmark's Gateway Theater
1550 N. High St. Columbus, OH


Although I am not American, I feel that the people in the US need to take control of their electoral system because the people they put into power intentionally or unintentionally have a major effect on the rest of us in the world today.

Wherever you live or whatever your citizenship get the word out on this movie.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Who Benefits from the Salmonella Scare: Beware

Recently there has been a scare going around about tomatoes and salmonella. It appears to me to be just another 'problem-reaction-solution' set up to serve the irradiation industry and the pharmaceutical interests.

So, what is salmonella?

Here is what Wikipedia has to say about Salmonella:

Disease-causing Salmonella species have recently been re-classified into a single species, Salmonella enterica, which has numerous serovars. Salmonella Typhi causes typhoid fever. Other salmonellae are frequent causes of foodborne illness, especially from poultry and raw eggs and more generally from food that has been cooked or frozen and not eaten straight away. Although most non-typhoidal strains associated with food-borne infection are self-limiting and do not require antibiotics, complicated or systemic infection and infection with specific serovars (such as Typhi) are indications for antibiotic treatment and often hospitalization. The long-term usage of antibiotics in both the poultry and beef industries may have created a strain of salmonella which is potentially resistant to antibiotics.[6]

So, why aren't the regulators going after likely producers of salmonella? Why are they picking on vegetables and pushing the irradiation agenda?

Now, let's look at the situation.

Tomatoes don't produce salmonella.

Neither do peppers, onions, cilantro or spinach.

Salmonella DOES fester in factory-farmed animals, folks, and that means the real source of contamination is likely some animal factory upstream from the vegetable processing centers.

So why isn't the FDA going after the animal factories that likely caused this whole fiasco?

Could it be that making everyone afraid of their vegetables is a great way to advance the FDA's food irradiation agenda which would destroy virtually all the medicinal phytonutrients in plants.

It could also be that they don't wish to harm one of their biggest markets who purchase their anti-biotics and hormones for factory farming. (The intertwining interests here can get mind-boggling).

Beware of your almonds now! All US produced raw almonds are now irradiated thus NO nutrition...

Again, follow the money. Who benefits?

If people get scared enough to allow irradiation this serves the industry behind irradiation of course.

However, what happens next?

If the irradiation of fresh produce goes into effect in the United States (and imported into Canada and exported elsewhere) we are likely to see the rates of infection among consumers of these products to sharply rise due to the removal of immune-boosting natural medicinal substances from the food supply.

More in food irradiation: http://www.organicconsumers.org/Irrad/irradfact.cfm

Who benefits? Big Pharma of course. Sickness is big business. Increasing the levels of sickness is a profitable business.
By destroying these thousands of healing phytonutrients, irradiation will leave many consumers defenseless against modern society's many health challenges.

Just like the introduction of chorine and flouride into the water supply was a useful and profitable way to dispose of military industrial waste there is another profit partner in this whole scenario: The NUCLEAR POWER INDUSTRY.

The original sponsor of food irradiation in the US was the Department of Energy, which wanted to create a favorable image of nuclear power as well as dispose of radioactive waste. These goals have not changed. Cobalt-60, which is used for irradiation, must be manufaactured in a nuclear reactor.

For an in depth look read the article by Mike Adams "The Health Ranger".
Get involved and voice your opinion. Our voices are slowing down Codex Alimentarius and Bill C-51. Don't think we fail to have influence.

Friday, July 04, 2008

The Prosecution of GW Bush for Murder?

I recommend this (http://www.newswithviews.com) article -- Devvy Kidd
-- The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. You should check this
out at, http://www.newswithviews.com/Devvy/kidd372.htm

I will place NewsWithViews in the alternative media section...